that's exactly what i'm saying. the time to think about electoral politics has past. it's time to think about [redacted].
you have to make leftists understand that the only answer is violence. we have to say this over and over until it finally clicks. the people are the last line of defense.
a purge could fix it all tomorrow.
The presidency isn’t everything!
if trump gets his way, it actually is. the time to think about how we'll do it next time has past.
why even bother focusing on this? "it's this guy's fault!" ok. so what? it will be four years if we even get a chance to vote again. the only thing we should be talking about is resistance.
gatekeepers have historically existed for a reason.
they certainly shouldn't have been voting but no one wants to think about putting up barriers to keep idiots out of democracy.
it's really not about blaming voters anymore. that ship sailed. i had been calling for a conservative purge for the last 10 years but nobody listened to me. i don't know if we can stop what's coming now.
history won't do shit if it's controlled by tech billionaires until they destroy the planet.
the video was made before the election results. it's now a quick primer for what is happening. the devil is in the details though, so worth a watch.
i think we could outsmart them