It's not a flaw. Ostree is a last resort, you should be using containerized software. Layering a package should only be done when strictly necessary and not as the regular way to manage packages. If you need an overtly customized system, you use Nix or universal blue to design your new system declaratively and create your custom image.
Then just install KDE in your Arch install. Or use endeavorOS with KDE, or any other Arch based OS with KDE. Don't be dismissive of other people's interests.
Settings live in user space. Software exist in containers like AppImage, Flatpak or Distrobox. If something need deep system integration, they can be layered on top of the system in the user layer. Immutable does NOT mean less control. Just exerting control over the system in a different, usually more systematic, automatic and deterministic way.
your base distro is immutable, then any extra changes go on an additional mutable layer
That is exactly how OsTree and other layering solutions work. Only Nix requires a whole distro rebuild.
There's KDE Neon already. The whole point of this distribution is the atomic immutable part.
They're desperate to get bought and cash out a golden parachute.
Maybe they'll fix the sddm custom theming? It's currently broken on all immutables and doesn't allow custom themes.
“The problem with sites that extract text from movies and other content is that they reduce people’s desire to pay a fair price for content, which can lead to people not seeing the official full-length movies, causing great damage to rights holders,” the anti-piracy group explains.
There it is, the piracy myth. If your movie is good, reading things about your movie will impulse people to buy a ticket to go see your movie. If reading about your film makes people not want to go to your film, maybe your film wasn't any good to begin with. Most publishers ignore that the people who are satisfied with consuming pirated media exclusively weren't going to buy their product anyway, piracy or not. This is also a company so paranoid of piracy that you can't buy the movie anywhere currently. The international release was limited, it was delayed for months, it still isn't widely available in western streaming services. The only easily accessible version is a pirated version. No wonder this bootleg novelization was selling. If people can't access your product, it doesn't matter whether it's being pirated or not, because they can't buy it directly from you. You aren't losing money because you aren't selling anyways.
SC is a scam. Of course they're willing to break the law to keep the money they stole.
We are going to burn the planet to make a shitty chat bot.
I discretely agree. Maybe puppet or salt. There are alternatives to raw doggin a github repository.
Please remember that no one is taking anything away from you. If you don't like it, you don't have to use it. Traditional package managing isn't going away any time soon. You are safe. Others can have their preferred tech, and you don't have to like it. It's ok to have different tastes.