A quick Wikipedia disambiguation shows many Bluesky and Blue Sky, as well as these two candidates:
BlueSky Charter School, an online school for Minnesota citizens
BlueSky Software, a defunct video game company
A quick Wikipedia disambiguation shows many Bluesky and Blue Sky, as well as these two candidates:
BlueSky Charter School, an online school for Minnesota citizens
BlueSky Software, a defunct video game company
Unfortunately not
Hashing takes longer the longer the string is, so it technically could impact performance if many people with very long passwords log in simultaneously. 20 characters is ridiculous though, you could probably cap it at hundreds and still be completely fine.
The implementation of RGB LEDs for things to glow dimly in your preferred color? Neat. Flashing between the three primary colors tastlessly? Why.. just why..?
Seems like a pretty slick way to drop some malware payloads, may I ask if this was recently?
I agree, but you know that mob doesn't
They were not just hurt, they were killed. The children were all locals as far as I know, the assailant was born in England to immigrant parents.
Sanderson has said numerous times that he would not want to finish ASOIAF
Bergen, Norway. But we have stong competition from the British isles :)
Bergen :)
Fuck the people who work there, amirite?