
joined 2 years ago
[–] dragonflyteaparty 3 points 2 years ago

We could if we taxed people properly, if corrupt officials didn't pocket the money for their own, if money didn't get thrown down the drain on all the admin salaries, if Medicare was legally allowed to negotiate prices, and if corrupt officials didn't give money to their company owning friends in the name of "business aids".

Our country spends double on healthcare compared to the next country down the list and yet we have worse health outcomes. Making it illegal for Medicare to negotiate prices absolutely has something to do with that. In addition "Anderson attributes [higher prices] to consolidation among hospitals and doctors’ practices, which allows them to demand higher prices.

Despite paying higher prices, Americans actually have less access to doctors, nurses and hospital beds. There are only 2.6 practicing doctors per 1,000 people in the US, compared to a median of 3.2 active physicians in the OECD, for instance. The efforts include raising deductibles to give consumers more incentive to shop around for health care services and paying doctors and hospitals based on patients’ health outcomes rather than for every service rendered."


And before anyone argues that appropriately taxing the rich will make them all leave:


[–] dragonflyteaparty 13 points 2 years ago

Fucking what. This is healthcare. These are real women whose lives you're fucking around with. Not pesticides (even though they are fucking shit up) or a piece of paper that allows you to develop land. Holy shit. How the absolute fuck did this jackass just correlate care of my body to the same logic of not using dangerous pesticides?

[–] dragonflyteaparty 0 points 2 years ago

There's absolutely nothing satanic in that set.

[–] dragonflyteaparty 10 points 2 years ago (1 children)

You realize that's an opinion piece and they don't have to be accurate, right?

[–] dragonflyteaparty 0 points 2 years ago

I almost woke the baby by laughing. Might use this in the future.

[–] dragonflyteaparty 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Because it's literally the facts....

[–] dragonflyteaparty 4 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (5 children)

No... They want people to be able to be themselves without being hounded by bigots. Somehow not a big going to ask imo. And yes, if you are talking about trans woman and AMAB people in that way and preventing women from joining sports (which has included all levels of sports), yes, you're being transphobic.

[–] dragonflyteaparty 15 points 2 years ago

But this isn't sex ed. Discussing gender doesn't mean discussing having sex.

[–] dragonflyteaparty 3 points 2 years ago

It is a bit late, but for what it's worth, we started the puberty lessons at 10 years old and I was one of the older kids in class. Most were 9.

[–] dragonflyteaparty 12 points 2 years ago (1 children)

That's some absolute nonsense. I shouldn't have to rely on other parents for my kid to be able to learn certain things in school. They don't like it, they can pull their kid from the class during that instruction. This whole thing of "I don't want it, so no one gets it" is absolute bullshit.

[–] dragonflyteaparty -3 points 2 years ago (1 children)

"The lawsuit notes that in elections for at-large seats on the DC city council — where voters can currently choose two candidates — voters in Wards 7 and 8 are less likely to cast a second vote, a phenomenon known as "undervoting."

"Many of those voters report their confusion about selecting more than one candidate for what appears to be the same office," said Wilson in the lawsuit, arguing that implementing ranked-choice voting "would introduce an additional layer of confusion to the electorate."

"I have a similar concern for seniors and persons with disabilities," Wilson added."

I find it interesting that most of these commenters seem to have not read the article.

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