This can’t be real right?
Wtf. This is so ducked up it can’t be true. Wtf!!!!!!11
Can’t open the link in iOS safari.
Can someone please explain why GitLab is used when there’s GitHub?
Holy cow this is epic and deserves more attention. It's literally like Reddit. If anyone's wondering. This is not only to be used to view specific pages in Reddit format. Just enter the Lemmy server you are a member of, in my case I just typed "", once done you can log into your account and enjoy happy scrolling á la Reddit style.
Thank you internet stranger <3
If anyone's wondering. The text above is actually a placeholder commonly known as "Lorem Ipsum" and is used in the design and typesetting industry. It doesn't have a specific meaning or translation because it consists of scrambled Latin words and doesn't form coherent sentences.
“No compatible source was found for this media.” When trying to view a video using the first instance you linked in your post.
I’m not mentally stable right now and all my sadness and anger comes out online through posts like this. I should take a break from social media and work on myself.
you are right. and I'm working on it. I should have rephrased this a lot better.
What is starcoder?