You can't really tell.
It's also a very very VERY small platform compared to other social media platforms like Reddit. (I had another comment where I calculated this but it's ridiculously small)
It is unlikely that it would see anywhere near the same level of dedicated bot activity due to the low return on invested effort.
This is a problem that will become greater once the value of astroturfing and shifting opinion on Lemmy is high enough.
You're missing the big impact here which is that bots can shift public opinion in mass which affects you directly.
Gone are the days where individuals have their own opinions instead today opinions are just osmosised through social media.
And if social media is essentially just a message bought by whoever can pay for the biggest bot farm, then anyone who thinks for themselves and wants to push back immediately becomes the enemy of everyone else.
This is not a future that you want.
Mhm, I love dismissive "Look, it already works, and there's nothing to improve" comments.
Lemmy lacks significant capabilities to effectively handle the bots from 10+ years ago. Nevermind bots today.
The controls which are implemented are implemented based off of "classic" bot concerns from nearly a decade ago. And even then, they're shallow, and only "kind of" effective. They wouldn't be considered effective for a social media platform in 2014, they definitely are not anywhere near capability today.
Lemmy has no capability to handle non-advanced bots from yesteryear.
It's most definitely not capable of handing bots today and is absolutely unprepared for handling bots tomorrow.
The fediverse is honestly just pending the necessary popularity in order to be turned into bot slop with no controls.
Give it time and the mega corps will do it for you.
PR nightmares will keep significant exploit fixes coming. Microsoft isn't that stupid.
Cities for example have their own microclimate partially because of the change in albedo.
You're literally talking about something that is well known well documented and well understood and has been for decades.
If you change the albedo of a surface that surface changes it's absorption of solar radiation. That surface will be warmer or cooler in the Sun. As a fundamental concept (ignoring more exotic materials and concepts). This means that that surface contributes or detracts from the climate in various ways.
I don't know what's so difficult about this :/
If you cover the entire country of Australia with black tiles do you really expect that there would be absolutely no change or difference than if you cover the entire country of Australia with white tiles?
They are 55th on the list for obesity rates.
It's a worldwide epidemic unfortunately.
For reference:
- U.S. is 10th with 41%
- Australia is 36th with 32%
I live in a country with a propensity for dark cement tiles, i really doubt panels are causing an uptick in heat
Of course they are (having an effect) why wouldn't they?
Any change in albedo modifies how much radiation is absorbed and emitted and the wavelengths it's emitted at.
Sure one tile doesn't do much but it does do something by a measurable degree. Even if tiny, it's still quantifiable.
This is exactly why we need ranked choice voting.
Winner takes all essentially demoralizes and alienates voters and drives people who agree with each other to fight because they're trapped in a broken system.
So instead of fighting the system, it's easier to just blame other people and alienate more of them against your cause, shooting yourself in the foot with ignorance. It's kind of disgusting.
Gotcha so you actually stated your previous question in bad faith as you had no interest in the answer to begin with.