It is indeed a toad, yes ;)
joined 1 year ago
Thank you! I'm currently looking at good on demand services for prints. I'll keep you informed once I've found one :)
You probably wouldn't be suprised that game has been recommended to me several times haha
Thank you :)
That's the dream
Love her work, thanks for sharing!
Yes it is! According to a friend who has experience with DMT Alex Grey visualizes the experience perfectly
Aw yeah it really is amazing! Alex Grey and Tool go together perfectly
Here I go listening to Tool again.
btw this cover is made by Alex Grey if anyone want to see more of his art
It really was interesting and unsettling. Too bad about Audible though... But whatever you do, do not check the audiobookbay ;)
Hey! I think I figured it out. You can get a print here if you're still interested :D