I do have a well, yes. It provides quite a bit of output when I turn it all the way on, but my city limits the total quantity of water that I use. I don't have any irrigation set up, so my focus right now is soil building, doing a lot of sheet mulching, and digging swales so that I can keep more rainwater on and into the land. It's really nice to have a well for the house and other normal water needs, or if I want/need to do some spot irrigation, but I'm hoping to keep irrigation pretty limited and get to the point where the land is mostly self-maintaining with it's water.
Thanks for joining me! On reddit, I was 99% a lurker, so this is a good opportunity for me to be more actively engaged and actually contribute.
Howdy! I have 5 acres in Utah, USA, and I'm currently working to add a manual pump to my electric pump, set up a composting toilet, and build my food forest--I hope to become largely self-sufficient and off-grid within a couple of years
What do you do for water? Is it mostly rainwater collection? I spent a couple of years looking at land and the first requirement was always water availability