Sorry for the rant lol. It's free on ps plus so why not give it a try
The aim acceleration settings are very unintuitive and can't be turned off altogether. There's a lot of input latency even when using the DS in Bluetooth mode and playing at 120hz VRR mode. The combat suffers from the terrible controls because it's an aim-heavy FPs game at the end of the day, and the aim assist doesn't help enough. There's no adjustable FOV so you can get motion sickness pretty fast, combined with the terrible camera and it makes playing a chore. The combat itself is mediocre, no room for skill; it basically boils down to block > spam attack.
Not sure how it works on other Android OSs but on Samsung's OneUI the phone won't shut down or turn off wireless connections without a pincode.
Trying to get through Ghostwire Tokyo, but the camera and combat are tough to ignore.
Lol what are you insinuating? Postmedia is right leaning but in no way shape or form is it on the same level or did it inflict the same damage as Meta and it's brands.
They don't police what we hear, see, or do. At all. What they should do is ban platforms that refuse to be responsible for the misinformation on their platforms. Especially when that misinformation leads to emergencies like the trucker convoy. Or the misinformation that lead to the vast amount of anti-vaxx sentiment. Just need to look at our closest neighbors to see how well unfettered free speech is going.
Wahhh my chosen megacorp has to pay its dues to the country it does business in wahhhh
You mean the news organizations that didn't give a platform to the alt right, Q anon, 1%ers, 3%ers, orange vest movements, separatists, truckers convoy, covidiots, neo nazi groups, proud boys, RFKers, etc etc etc? Those news orgs?
The joys of living in a country not being totally bent over by the corporations.
Threaten to ban the whole fuckin site and he done with it. Garbage ass social platform. See how they play ball then.
Is this psvr only? Not caught up on how Dreams actually works