It’s just a wrapper on top of Docker. You can import your own yaml files when you create your setup.
Kids will do what you do, so if you’re spending time feeding your brain dopamine by using your phone they will do the same.
The best gift you can give a kid is your time. And if you need to use your phone, explain why (“I’m lowering the volume on the stereo” or “I’m starting the heat cycle in our car”).
It’s not easy, but you’re their role model - so stay true to your own ideals and you’ll ace it!
Ah! Misread your comment in that case.
So… I use a physical passkey as a second factor on top of username and password on all three of my Synology-boxes. I have TOTP as backup in case I should lose my passkey.
Anyways - synology has no clue about my phone number, so I’m not sure I agree with your sentiment that it’s a requirement.
Curious to know if this affects the DD-WRT style firmware as well?
Who, or should I say “what”, wrote this article? It’s basically just two paragraphs saying that home assistant exists and it’s complicated.
There, saved you the click and time.
Interesting! Question: is it possible to start the heater/cooler in the car via this integration?
Jag undrar vad snubben tycker att piloten borde ha gjort annorlunda? Fortsatt flyga? När man nått en viss punkt på startsträckan så krävs en hård inbromsning för att inte glida av bortre änden av densamma.
Tycker det låter som att piloten gjorde rätt sak efter omständigheterna.
Pelle Svanslös Alfons Åberg
So, I’ve got an ultra and I legitimately charge it once every three days. Everything turned on and a couple of GPS workouts.
So more than advertised, I know. But I’ve been hooked to my Garmin Fenix 6X Pro Sapphire and now I’m not looking back since I got the ultra. It is a smart watch. Not just something that shows a notification every once in a while.
I have a zero tolerance for any indications of issues. If a drive so much as sneezes weirdly I’ll replace it straight away. Why? Well, I’ve put my important shit on that array so why fuck around?
For all of you that are looking for a good headset - check out the Epos Impact 1000-series.
Got a pair for my wife and they seem to do very well! The only drawback is that they’re not over-ear.