Of course he did. People like him would not exist, if the law worked as intended, and we've already seen how all of them lined up to slobber each other's knob for tax cuts and law loopholes
It’s genuinely been infuriating. Typically, if a page asks me to accept cookies for their “1500 partners” i just decline it and block the site, but a lot of the Spanish news aggregates want 8€ a month before they let you view the page at all
Only 2k and 3k units are supported, as far as i’m informed
This is excellent news.
I doubt much of anything will change for ESO itself, but happier workers are the real goal
I'd really love to play this game eventually. Looks really cool, and a couple of my friends were quite impressed by it
Have they maybe considered just studying?
Hope it can stay that way
You've essentially described exactly what the issue is. All these companies want you to continue subscribing, so you owning anything isn't in their interest
You're misunderstanding. I'm not talking about drive space, i'm talking about the space the physical disk cases take up
As much as I hate that this is happening, I think once you turn to digital media, it's incredibly difficult to go back. The convenience of having your stuff at a click of a button is just too good.
That said, if you're into movies specifically, i'd personally still go the route of buying a disk, and ripping it to your local storage, but that's both expensive, and inconvenient in terms of space
The only bit of excitement I've experienced about this, was when they announced it will be force-disabled in Europe, so I didn't have to turn it off myself