The fuck are you people doing?? Has everyone taken stupid pills? When there are perfectly good European alternatives, why would you tie yourself to a country that clearly has nobody else's interests in mind, and will quite probably collapse in a couple of years? This pandering is insane, and only weakens Europe's position. So so dumb.
Lee Harvey Oswald found a way to do something about the presidency. Just saying..
With you until the end. Don't be such a dick.
No no, you said "too far away to resupply". I claim bullshit. I never suggested it was a good idea.
"The leader of that country had a run-in with the leader of our country, and therefore should resign"
In what world does this bullshit make sense? Get fucked moron, you realise he's not in some government department, right? He's the leader of ANOTHER COUNTRY
The fuck are you talking about?? The US managed to resupply in Iraq and Afghanistan for 20 years,and they're a LOT further away.
"Heated exchange".
What are they talking about?? An exchange requires at least two participants. Zelenskyy was trying to keep it cool while Trump and Vance (mainly Trump) just spoke over him. That wasn't a heated exchange, it was a fucking loser having a tantrum while others watched, not quite believing what they were seeing. Having Trump keep talking about Zelenskyy basically being responsible for his citizens dying and bullets flying etc made me sick. The absolute lack of compassion from this orange twerp is incredible. What a cunt.
I was questioning that too. I'm certain I've read allegations of wrongdoing, i.e. sex with a minor, attributed to Trump. Why are they saying otherwise? (no need to answer that, I think we know)
Oh holy shit what a take down. That ending was incredible. I'd be terrified of one day meeting Jon Stewart and accidentally voicing an opinion within earshot just in case he takes issue with it.
"Allowed"? In what sense? Are you seriously suggesting Trump or Musk are responsible for a Delta crash in Canada, and helicopter collision and a Southwest go around?
Their next cavalry charge towards enemy tanks is almost ready!