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[–] dbkblk 1 points 6 hours ago (1 children)

As a 6700XT owner, I use 4k@60Hz (my screens can't do better anyway). Does that mean I would need to use DisplayPort for better output in the future?

[–] dbkblk 4 points 6 hours ago* (last edited 6 hours ago)

For reference, I have a 6700XT on a 4k videoprojector, and it's fluid for 4k video and games (but it's a gaming card). The drivers are excellent and the card is stable. Thus said, I read some web videos through mpv, which is more optimized. On Youtube 4k, it works as well. I've tried 8k downsized and it was bit laggy, so I don't think a 6400 is enough for 8k video. I also had to buy a HDMI cable with more throughput! Videos aside, I think it's okay for the display only (texts and images), but wait for another reviewer because the 6400 is less powerful, so I can't confirm. However, if it works on Windows, it will work on Linux.

[–] dbkblk 9 points 21 hours ago

I use FreshRSS since a few years and it's excellent!

[–] dbkblk 1 points 3 days ago

I've been studying biology and genetics at univ., so I understand the topic very well. The problem with GMO is not the technique per se, but the fact that companies can lock agricultors with specific pesticids, regardless of the damage they can do to environment. For example, Gluten molecule was made stronger by French scientists, for the agricultural lobbies during 90-2010, and now a lot of people suffer from this.

[–] dbkblk 2 points 4 days ago (3 children)

I don't know much about food standards laws. A bit of french ones, but not international. Most of it is assumed based on what I heard from news and agricultors back when the treaty was validated! So, what you basically say is that Canada also have high standards, and that's a good news. No GMO? Some organic food (no pesticids)? I've never been to your country, but I will come to visit in the future :) Thank you for your answer.

[–] dbkblk 10 points 5 days ago (5 children)

As EU citizen, I don't think that's a good deal for us, as we are importing food that do not match our environmental criterias. It's anti-concurrential for inside food producers that have to conform these environmental laws. It would have been good if the deal was to import things that were produced respecting our laws (no offense).

[–] dbkblk 11 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

It's not just a yes or no. Theorically, they have to do many things about corruption, economic stability. They are not supposed to be at war to apply and not to have unstable countries beside. Accepting Ukraine now, would be against all the neighbors countries that have been struggling to enter. EU have to help them getting out of this war (preferably by pushing Russia out entirely), then make peace, then help rebuilding so they are conform to enter. I really hope we manage to make them get there! But it's long for a reason: stability. The quickest part would be to accept them as candidate, but it needs peace first.

[–] dbkblk 7 points 1 week ago

Just take a deep breath and imagine you're a pinguin, it'll be fine :)

[–] dbkblk 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

That seems to be the most logical explanation, indeed.

[–] dbkblk -3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (6 children)

What is the purpose of Tiktok to push far-right propaganda? Would it be possible that it all comes from far-right producing far more content?

[–] dbkblk 1 points 2 weeks ago

I agree with this! Maybe US citizens should set a fox as their president! It would be more wisely ruled then.

submitted 2 weeks ago by dbkblk to c/linux
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