
joined 2 years ago
[–] darganon 6 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Well that's just not true, if it's disabled within 5 seconds they still count it as autopilot.

They also count getting rear-ended, but don't break it down that far.

[–] darganon 4 points 9 months ago

No, because they normalize and have a relative metric.

The most stolen car is an SRT hellcat, which has a total production run well under Model 3 production in a single quarter.

[–] darganon -1 points 9 months ago

There's good parts and bad parts to using a Linux distro. A polished user experience is not one of them.

[–] darganon -1 points 9 months ago

There's good parts and bad parts to using a Linux distro. A polished user experience is not one of them.

[–] darganon 13 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Bezos owns it, they don't need to make money, just keep up their status.

[–] darganon 3 points 9 months ago (3 children)

Teslas are at or very near the bottom of often stolen car lists, by a wide margin.

[–] darganon -1 points 9 months ago

I'm all for keeping the CIA accountable, but you're conflating two things there.

[–] darganon 2 points 9 months ago

There are many quite loud alerts when FSD is active in subpar circumstances about how it is degraded, and the car will slow down. That video was pretty foggy, I'd say the dude wasn't paying attention.

I came up on a train Sunday evening in the dark, which I hadn't had happen in FSD, so I decided to just hit the brakes. It saw the crossing arms as blinking stoplights, probably wouldn't have stopped?

Either way that dude was definitely not paying attention.

[–] darganon 5 points 9 months ago (1 children)

I like FSD a lot, but $100 a month is too much. Maybe if my commute was longer?

Also it makes some questionable decisions about which lane to be in for upcoming turns and merges.

[–] darganon 2 points 9 months ago

That secure shoelace knot was an actual game changer. Shit just works.

[–] darganon 2 points 9 months ago

I don't mind a cover changing the meaning of a song, but stuff where the cover is just the song again is...lazy as fuck?

Like Fast Car by (country music guy) is fantastic, but it's the same as the original, which is also fantastic. Feels cheap or something, I don't know. Like the whole Weezer cover album was boring as fuck. The songs are technically great, but why listen to that over the originals? Rivers said his goal was to try and reproduce the original sound, which seems like an interesting exercise for the band, but not for the listener. So that wraps back around to respecting the band.

Anyways, I have a lot of strong feelings about covers. Make it your own, even if you don't change it that much.

[–] darganon 2 points 9 months ago

It's pretty good. I think they're onto something here.

It navigated some annoying traffic very well, took a right on red perfectly, twice. Did a roundabout just fine twice.

The bad bits:

Speed limits are odd, if it can't figure it out it drops way low. (I have heard if you turn off automatic speed offset it fixes that)

There is one long turn lane it popped into halfway down instead of immediately, as would be preferred. It could catch another driver unaware.

It goes way too fast into the roundabout. Just an unpleasant deceleration, but it's not unsafe.

Auto parking was cool, but slow.

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