Mainstream distros are just as easy to use as windows or MacOS.
My pixel had issues with the screen (p7p) contacted google, within a couple of days I had an advance replacement device in my hands and a return label for the faulty device.
My watch is giving me issues currently so I'm planning on hitting up support about that too, as it's not within what I expected from the watch (won't connect via bt after a month or so, requiring a factory reset).
In AUS we have great consumer protections, if my watch continues on the way it is currently I'll be returning it for a full refund.
I've found there are still useful chunks of information on niche topics I follow only found on Reddit. I'll poke in see what I need to and drop out. No browsing, no posting, upvotes or account logins.
I've got more time for other things since ditching reddit, Lemmy is cool and all but I've lost that itch. The memes are pretty stale here and the communities I can browse every couple of days and keep up-to-date.
Overall it's been a good change for me, thanks reddit for shooting yourselves in the foot.
Logi must be sitting on stockpiles of mini USB connectors lol. Was so surprised that they were using them on modern stuff.
Even the superlight uses mini, it's such a pain having everything else on my desk be type-c and my mouse requires an antiquated standard.
My old 512GB 840 Pro from 2012 is sitting at 6% wear, has been through multiple builds and is now a scratch disk in my server for downloads / torrents.
My 850 Evo from 2014 is sitting at 2% wear, is now used for VM / Container image storage on my server.
These things are going to be with me for some time still.
It's nice to be able to change my keymaps on my keychron keyboard, or configure my kbdfans RGB knob to have different bindings, but I really don't want to install chrome or a chromium based browser for one weird trick.
I like my OS to be simple, I don't want multiple browsers or loads of applications to manage different devices.
The G915 uses micro USB from memory.
I'm happy with the logi peripherals that I own, but I don't use windows or care for most of the extra features they come with.
Love me some proxmox, have two instances at home on some old hardware.
Great starter configurations are located here:
Please be aware running random scripts from the internet isn't advised.
You are able to have different configurations spun up from the one file by using machine names. My main machine is pretty barebones with minimal applications, but my laptop is even more minimal.
I can't move away from Proxmox right now for my servers but the option is there if I want to spin up some containers using similar Configs and such.
Oh super helpful, been meaning to investigate linux-tkg for my gaming setup. How long was the build time for the kernel on your system?
I've got frigate running on a HAOS VM as an add-on. 2 cameras both running detection with only 2 cores dedicated to frigate.
Using proxmox on an old Intel 5960x, very minimal usage I'm sure you would see reasonable results on an orangepi. I guess make a backup of your SD / NVME before wiping and testing.
Been meaning to tweak detection as it's a bit slow right now, wanting some automations built around person / presence detection utilising zone detection but it's too slow right now.
EAC depending on the title works out of the box from what I've seen, I don't have much time these days to play many competitive shooters or games in general but Battlebit and PlanetSide look to work fine through proton.