Minimum for me would be 120hz, i've been using 120hz since 2012 (12 years... man) and anything less feels like a massive step backwards. My old S10+ and my cheapie laptop feel sluggish in any animated / transmission scenario.
I love me some hyprland, it's minimal enough to run on my 4gb ram foldable laptop with the same animations I have on my main laptop & desktop.
Wayland x Nvidia aside (on my laptop) it's the perfect minimal environment for me.
Man looking at my old 5960x with it's 20mb of cache from 2014, and Intel's current top consumer chip with 36mb.
Crazy to think Intel were 'ahead of the curve' so long ago, those x99 chips are still relevant compared to some AM4 chips.
But man, I'll be able to amend all those TODO items that have been accumulating of the last 12 months and fix all those issues while rebuilding my raid.
I mean that's only if my GITs aren't hijacked during the ransomware attack.
And I mean, I'll probably just push the same config to my server and let it on its merry way again.
It's not law in VIC iirc, it's a common courtesy but not a requirement. Like when indicating to jump in a lane, giving the driver who let you in a wave. Or blinking your headlights when there is a copper in the direction you came from.
I've found that the unstable branch of nixos has almost all the packages that I want / need at the bleeding edge. For more obscure packages I build from source.
Interested to hear what packages you were chasing that are outdated / not present.
The defaults for hyprland are pretty good in my eyes, I've made some tweaks to the colour scheme, animations and even animated window borders but really its what you make of it.
Love using Hyprland, its minimal (which is a plus for me), no real issues outside of a sleep bug with my laptop when running hybrid graphics mode (amd igpu + nvidia gpu)
If you are not building your hyprland config from nix (as I am currently via symlinks) you can save the config file, and it will already be active allowing you to quickly test / amend / break all the things. For my config I need to rebuild the system, logout and login to see changes. Since I've been using Hyprland for a while now I've not needed to make many changes to the config so that works better for me.
I jumped from KDE to Hyprland, without having used a tiling window manager before, so adding all the necessary applications for things like brightness control, audio control was all quite a bit to take in from a full-fledged desktop environment.
Not sure friend, was a spur of the moment "yeah this will be fun" became a frustrating experience. I could probably change my user-agent on my desktop or try blocking elements in ublock to get around the unsupported browser junk.
Thanks for lending a hand however, very supporting <3
I've recently (in the last week) added my contacts and manage my calendar via nextcloud locally. Davx synchs to my android devices, nextcloud is synched to my haos VM to help me remember bin nights / other appointments. For someone with ASD + ADHD it's a godsend.