Ahh yes, patina finished trucks.
Company I worked for was the only importer of Corsair chairs into Australia, we were told by Corsair (on a chair by chair basis) to have end users destroy faulty chairs if no replacement parts were available.
Same thing with Lian Li, we had a batch of white cases with a paint defect, they were never sold onto end-users but our warehouse teams destroyed every case, sent images to Lian Li of the destruction and we were sent another shipment.
Cooler-master had some bad mITX PSUs, same deal, sent the boys out with a hammer and safety squints.
At the end of the day it's cheaper for everyone involved to not have a faulty product that is too costly to repair shipped across the ocean or to a local disty. Sucks for the environment, sucks for the end user having to dispose of a faulty product but it makes for some interesting emails sent out to customers :D
But they do freely allow it, grab an APK from F-Droid and install it.
You posed a question about Google policing sideloading, then posted an article that has nothing to do with google policing side loading.
My takeaway from that article is they don't, and haven't.
The splash screen for installing a package not from the play store is there to protect the end user. Without it there would probably be a much worse unwanted software issue on android.
I've been "side loading" or just "installing" applications on my android devices since the nexus one, without the help of the play store.
Noticed content is getting worse, or my tastes don't align with the current content being produced.
I'll be pulling the plug on the family plan pretty soon, no point paying for rubbish.
Yep, that's the gist. Nix build is reasonably good at spitting out what's missing ( if your packaging a random git ) and nix-init gives you a great starting point, but generally will need some tweaking to get the package running / installing.
~~ive got limited experience however i think ive got tegaki-python to build under nixos:~~
~~name to default.nix then run (from the same dir)~~
~~nix-build -E 'let pkgs = import { }; in pkgs.callPackage ./default.nix {}' --show-trace~~
~~lots more to build but i looks possible to have up and running in nix with some small tweaks from the initial nix-init .nix~~
~~a sparceCheckout would trim some fat however minimal on a per-package basis too~~
looks like its running into perm issues, bit over my head :D
Idk, internet things.
Picked up a laptop with a busted screen $30 cheaper than the RPI 5. 1135G7, 8gb upgradable ram, m.2 storage, wifi, bluetooth and a battery.
Raspberry pis' were great early on, but their appeal has quickly diminished in my eyes considering used hardware options that are available now.
Size would be the one redeeming quality of a raspberry pi for me, my headless laptop is thin but takes up substantially more space.
Yeah my account has been hit since the end of December every 7 or so days.
The only things I've got in my account are some windows 7 / 10 licence keys and a migrated Minecraft account. Really not a concern to me if they can somehow get past 2FA.
The lack of response from MS is pretty shit, and to be expected from MS.