It is close (pretty sure it's 22nd), but I'm not sure there's evidence that co-opting a pagan festival is what happened. It is a common assertion though.
Christmas isn't in the winter solstice though...
As we know it, to be killed painlessly, is to be killed instantly
This is not necessarily true. There are ways to fall asleep and never wake up. Not instant, but painless.
Bombs mostly and they were always illegal.
I don't know about the racism thing, but I doubt it. As far as the other thing, it doesn't have to be a choice between no guns or no restrictions. In the UK we have a ban on handguns and some hoops you have to jump through to own a rifle. Nothing too onerous I believe (though I've never tried to own a gun.)
I'm not afraid of our government becoming tyrannical. If it did, though, and guns are really the only reliable way to deal with them (I'm not convinced but anyway) then we still have plenty going around.
We do do the same and we do have the same problems, but it's not so bad. We have at least 4 parties in parliament who have a voice and a number of others who are at least represented. It's not good, but you have it worse
Or, since we're getting philosophical anyway, are you some sort of spiritual entity inhabiting your body and experiencing the physical world through it?
BTW - if that's the case then the transporter in the original question is definitely a death machine.
I was fairly conservative as a teenager (mostly because I was fairly ignorant and my parents were low key conservatives. I bucked the (apparent) trend by moving left. Happily call myself a socialist now.
I'm much more into Teles and have never been a fan of reliced guitars, but I also love McCready's playing - he's one of my favourite guitarists.
No - being a monopoly makes it a monopoly...
Please report back with what worked and what didn't. I have this problem (minus the lawnmower) and I hate it. In fact, as a result of this, I have gone from just a vague dislike of cats to hating them.
I've tried the sonic repellant and it didn't work at all
Poor documentation combined with the step learning curve is quite a problem imho.