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[–] cygnosis 0 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

I understand your feelings of horror at the idea of what is coming. Your desire to reduce our impact on the climate is commendable. I share it and have structured my life to cause the least impact I can. I have no children. I generate my own power renewably, etc. But like I was saying, it doesn't matter. Every bit of fossil fuel I spare is going to be used by someone else. We make Paris accords and agreements and resolutions to reduce our consumption. But they are meaningless. Every time we make a 10% or 20% reduction in emissions per capita it is negated by growth in population. Our numbers continue to increase. And the CO2 we emit goes up every year.

The population of every other species on the planet is kept in check by limits on the resources available or they become a resource and are limited by predation. And so they live in balance with the environment, never exceeding the carrying capacity of the earth to support them. But we are clever enough to figure out how to use every available source of energy to keep increasing our population. We long ago exceeded the natural carrying capacity of the earth. We are now relying on fossil fuels to keep us alive. (I'll skip arguing why basing the survival of your population on a non-renewable resource is a bad idea. See William Catton: Overshoot to read about that.) And so we are stuck in a catch-22 in a few different ways.

First of all, if we just stopped using fossil fuels we wouldn't be able to produce enough food to sustain our numbers. We wouldn't be able to transport the food to the people. And we wouldn't be able to store it and cook it. Oh, but we don't have to stop, just reduce, one might say. As I already mentioned, that doesn't work. Every reduction we make is negated by more people needing to use their smaller amount.

The second catch-22 is the aerosol masking effect. Ironically our prodigious use of fossil fuels helps keep the earth cooler, but only as long as we continue to use them. Aerosols produced from fossil fuel use reflect a significant amount of solar radiation back into space. During the Covid-19 shutdown the reduced air traffic was enough to cause a noticeable increase in warming even though that is just one source of aerosols in the atmosphere.

And third, everyone deserves a chance at life. We are loath to say to the young "you can't live as well as your elders because we have to stop using energy." And there is no politically feasible way to control the growth of a population. China tried it and look how well that worked. We cannot control our population growth. It will continue to increase until some external force acts upon us to stop it. And with more people comes more energy use.

We already know that increasing CO2 is making climate change worse. We can't stop increasing CO2 emissions. Ergo climate change will continue to get worse. I haven't even mentioned how that's going to effect us, the impacts it will have on crop production around the world. Suffice to say that no matter how much we want to fix the problem, we can't. For decades scientists have been warning us we have to act now or it will be catastrophic. We never acted in a meaningful way. And now the consequences are upon us. There is no time to stop the car, we are already over the cliff. We just haven't hit bottom yet.

[–] cygnosis 23 points 8 months ago (8 children)

I watched it. It was a good looking show. And the origin story (which took over half the season I think) was well done. But where it really fell down is that none of the characters are likeable. At the end of the season I was kind of relieved it was over because I didn't care whether any of them lived or died.

[–] cygnosis 11 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

If you want a big list of these check out

Here's one from there

Like a virgin touched for the thirty-first time. Artist: Madonna Song: Like a Virgin Real Lyric: Like a virgin touched for the very first time.

[–] cygnosis 5 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (2 children)

So this is the Atheism community and dunking on christians is appropriate, but I just don't see it in this case. At this point it doesn't matter what you do. Buy an electric car, put up solar panels, grow all your food in your yard. You aren't going to stop climate change. You aren't even going to slow it down. According to this source we've already dumped over 1.5 trillion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. This one says 2.4 trillion. About half of it has been absorbed into the oceans. The rest is driving an inexorable global warming. And we have no realistic way of removing that CO2. The best we have today is the Orca plant in Iceland which pulls 4,000 tons per year from the air. Occidental is promising another DAC plant that will remove 500,000 metric tons of CO2 per year. But given that we're currently emitting about 40 billion tons per year, that's not gonna do it. The climate is already reacting. People are already dying. James Hansen estimates that "Equilibrium global warming for today’s GHG amount is 10°C" unless we all just stop using fossil fuels and devote all our resources to removing CO2 from the air.

And I don't think there was ever another way for this to play out. Our whole history has been about finding the next better way of feeding our families and growing our population. And then we find fossil fuels. Make them into fertilizer, use them to power farm equipment, industry, wars, they looked like a gift and we used them to fuel the biggest growth of our population in history. What nation would say "no, I'd rather use mules and dung for farming. It's better for the earth." There was never any alternative. You could even say that it's our purpose as a species to find and consume all the available energy the planet has to offer. Now that we have around 8 billion people on the planet we have to keep using them just to feed ourselves.

No, I think if there were a god this would just prove that he hates us, knowing what would happen when we found fossil fuels and putting them there anyways.

[–] cygnosis 22 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

“We judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their behavior.” Stephen Covey

[–] cygnosis 4 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Surprised I haven't seen Quantum Break in here. It's a pretty good shooter with some magic powers thrown in for fun. You don't get much say in the story, but it still kept my interest all the way through. And it has an interesting take on time travel, woven into the story quite well. It was made by Remedy Entertainment, before Control but after Alan Wake. Also I liked how they cast real actors in the game and made them recognizable. I picked out Courtney Hope in the game from seeing her in Control, even though her character is different in QB.

[–] cygnosis 11 points 9 months ago (1 children) realtime global wind, pressure, temp, etc.

[–] cygnosis 3 points 9 months ago (1 children)

He's referring to the fact that the Effective Altruism / Less Wrong crowd seems to be focused almost entirely on preventing an AI apocalypse at some point in the future, and they use a lot of obscure math and logic to explain why it's much more important than dealing with war, homelessness, climate change, or any of the other issues that are causing actual humans to suffer today or are 100% certain to cause suffering in the near future.

[–] cygnosis 2 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

As a kid, probably Lode Runner. It ran on my pc. Some arcade games were fun. I enjoyed Asteroids. Colossal Cave, and the Infocom games like Planetfall were fun too. Though what really hooked me was Doom. It was the first real 3d FPS game and it blew my mind. It's been my favorite genre ever since.

[–] cygnosis 14 points 10 months ago (2 children)

It pays to watch ad-free videos or else it gets the hose again.

[–] cygnosis 3 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

dang, cosmology is weird. I went to reply about the big bang, the age of the universe, and how it can't be infinite, but instead decided to look it up. I really don't understand this stuff.

[–] cygnosis 5 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I've struggled with this for my whole life (and I'm not young) but haven't succeeded in developing my willpower much at all. I think it's just part of your 'personality'. In quotes because you can change your personality somewhat with therapy or other growth techniques, but it takes a lot of work and there is no guarantee it will happen.

That said, I do use commitment devices to substitute for willpower sometimes. One that works for me is to join a class or group for exercise or other things. In my case it has worked for meditation, exercise, martial arts, and others. I find that when I wake up and feel like 'I just want to lie around and play video games all day' I then remind myself 'the folks at the group will notice I'm gone, I'll have to explain it, and It would feel better to just attend'. And so I get my exercise. Usually. If my brain can convince me I'm not feeling well I still skip out sometimes.

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