How is he standing?!
I thought about getting one but opted not to. I’ve got south facing windows so all my plants through spring are able to get all the sun they need!
Nah, never seen the seeds for them from a reputable seller sadly! I’ve got reapers and a couple of naga varieties in the garden though
What’s for tea tonight
Hell yeah man. I sowed these in my bedroom and grew them in the window for months before I repotted them and put them outside. I got almost all of my info for learning to grow on the Pepper Geek channel on youtube. I’m still a novice - this is only my second year growing and in my first year I killed all of them lol.
Try a bit of grated cheese on top and give it a minute under the grill. It’s good stuff
I was one of the five people who owned the HD-DVD player for the Xbox 360 🫡
RIP Chris
Haha unfortunately this loaf was sunk cost fallacy in bread form. It tasted fantastic though
Rice flour is a great shout!