Hmmm... Kind of surprised there isn't an ARG to go along with this.
But per capita Sweden has more houses with assault rifles (literally military provided rifles to national service citizens) but no mass shootings there?
What does a person in Sweden have to do to possess a gun? Additionally, what is their policy on ammunition?
Agreed, I've tapped some nasty materials - 1 tap per hole nasty - and the fluid change gave me the more than 8 holes for the same new tap.
That really opened my eyes to engineered fluids.
This is totally my shop. Fortunately we don't have to purchase our own tools. But I always cringe when 'that guy' does something with a borrowed tool... Returns it grimey, they close the micrometer to zero, or drop the .0001" test indicator 4ft from the ground and not tell anyone.
Hardinge HLV-H is what all of those clones originated from. Though the clones are just as good or if not better.
Never seen a HLVH with that many safety screens.
How to quit an 'essential' job without any advanced notice and move 300 miles.
Okay, putting away the snarky attitude.
Resume and interviewing skills in my specific career. Pleasantly surprised with the job offers I got during the pandemic.
we’ve just lost the innovations that come with running that of wider sector
I'd argue that is not the case at all since manufacturing innovation is a commodity sold to the global market. See manufacturing trade shows. The tech is available, the skilled labor doesn't exist in plentiful numbers to exploit such tech readily.
Some have even argued that because America’s software and internet sectors have been so lucrative, talent has been diverted away from older industries.
Please just say the quiet part loudly. Wages in manufacturing are disproportionately lower than other jobs with much less skill required. Tool and die machinists in socal have wages close to McDonald's/Costco workers.
Sorry but how is grinding a punch form within .004mm, (dis) assembling stamping dies with incredible complexity for 10hrs a day without any procedural error premitted comparable with food assembly... One could put the lettuce before the pickles and no one would bat an eye. Put the wrong die in a station and production halts for hours costing hundreds of thousands of lost profits.
I believe the same can be said about construction as well.
Naturally, making physical goods rather than virtual ones mean less margins but of course the C-level executives must have their billion/multimillion salary bonus every year... Wonder what barrel they scrape all that extra money from...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Haven't read the entire thread so apologies if you've already provided this information but could you show us a picture of your monitor's osd with the input source information? That should tell you right there that your input device isn't sending out what you desire.
Also if you don't have a >144hz option in your os's display options, try disconnecting any other monitors you have plugged in.
Neat! Did you do that on a manual or CNC?