That's exactly it, I use aria2 pretty much for parallel downloads (also to be able to resume them).
My Thinkpad has a built-in camera cover!
Thank you.
If a website asks me log in to continue I just leave.
AkTuAlLy iT's pRonouNCeD gUh-N0ME
... You are a folder.
I like the minimalistic approach of Lerboa, but liftoff looks really solid. Totally see why it would appeal more to general masses, it's beautiful!
I've never wanted to wear a dress, I do however enjoy the fact that I can work naked from home.
You are very welcome! I use it with aria2, it's opcional but recommended, in case you don't want it you can strip the --external-downloader and -args part :)
NTA, that shouldn't rob your sleep tho, it's something that will happen, and kind of inevitable once reaching critical mass.
Despite that, I think there is nothing wrong with wanting to migrate useful content from dedicated communities into a safer, better platform. If you think about it, that content was never Reddit's, It was from the community, for the community.
People reposting low effort content and memes for engagement kinda suck tho.
yt-dlp is the way my friend, I got a command to download a specific playlist of mine every once in a while:
alias youtube-dl-playlist-guardar="yt-dlp -x -f bestaudio --external-downloader aria2c --external-downloader-args '-c -j 3 -x 3 -s 3 -k 1M' --ignore-errors --continue --audio-format mp3 ''"
"It gets easier. Every day it gets a little easier but you gotta do it every day, that's the hard part, but it does get easier".
As far as I'm concerned, everyone owns themselves watching Bojack Horseman.