I absolutely agree. Hell, I would pay some companies to not show up to me anymore.
Sadly, it will. People are too used of the whole "administratives of the product I consume represent me".
Federated applications (and open source for that matter), don't really have an "owner", nor a CEO. Yeah the devs may have some questionable opinions, but at the end of the day the software is free as in freedom for everyone to use as they please, the only thing they can control is their own instance. Just join another and block theirs if you like.
I never thought about this indirect upside of using fediverse apps. There is absolutely no incentive to publicity, who the heck is gonna pay me for promoting their book over my BookWyrm? They will make two cents from that.
So when someone publishes something over these underdog app it's because they are genuinely interested. It's really refreshing to be able to read sincere opinions from people tbh.
We are getting to a point where development cycles are getting longer than some consoles lifetimes.
Absolutely, it is the very best for total beginners. If you have some iota of knowledge already, I think you can get more juice from fullstackopen.com tho, but both are amazing choices nonetheless.
Edit: grammar
Defitely Godot, especially having a low-end PC. The language, Gdscript is very python-esque, so the entry bar is low. Really, a couple of years ago I tried Unity and that thing wouldn't load even if my life depended on it haha, Godot's load times were pretty much instantaneous.
And there are tons of resources to learning either through YouTube or their official documentation :)
I recommend you start with the oficial documentation "Introduction to Godot" and their "Your first 2D game" sections, If you wanna see quick results you may start with the latter.
Some extra resources:
GDquest YouTube channel, extensive Godot resources
Miziziziz, a quite successful Godot solo developer, he shares guides and tips in a short format
Make an action-RPG in Godot, one of the most complete follow-throughs I've seen for beginners, while building a Zelda-esque game.
How to make a top-down shooter in Godot, same as the latter, but instead you are building a Hotline Miami clone.
If you don't mind some self-promotion, you could also give a look to a couple of FOSS games I've built using the engine, I made them for short game-james so all of them are pretty simple, feel free to use them however may be best to you :)
And most importantly, don't get discouraged, there are lots of things you may not know but that is fine! It's part of the process. You got this chief.
Two days ago they were, as of his words "not profiting", and suddenly a blackout doesn't affect them? What a clown.
Dude just throw them a cent (and I mean quite literally, a penny). People really overestimate how little profitable ads are in the year of our Lord 2023, specially for how much a PITA they are.
The Apollo dev gave recently some GREATLY optimistic estimates of how much Reddit earns per user, around 12 cents per month. Yeah no, I prefer donating twelve cents thank you very much.
As a Mexican I've been dealing with stupid cartel blogs my whole life, I don't really care anymore. I just vibe with the 99.9% of people that is sane.
Canada finally getting the leaf right was cathartic.
I just have small aneurysms for each dot, sh - it - just ... works?