The solution is for no one to care or make a big deal out of it, they're not real so you shouldn't care.
I'm a dude, what is the manosphere?
You forgot the toyoda
To reach out to the modern people, I really think that we need to move away from books. Attention spans are getting a shorter, and who the fuck has the time to read a book? I think we need media to update themselves for the times if they want to message to reach the largest audience possible
I'm hoping for Christie
Just about everything. There's almost nothing you can point to today and legitimately say that the model from 20, 30, 60 years ago was better.
In what way is representing a fact laughing your ass off?
There are so many reasons why we won't have kids. 1: money, we can't afford what we have now! How the hell we gonna pay 300000 and more over at least 18 years for a kid? 2: older gens have told us we're worthless and lazy. 3: the current political climate and actual climate, why the fuck would we want to bring a child into this bullshit system?
A clear danger to people, but ROR. Brilliant
No, no repayment, if someone errors in your favor, they are at fault, not you. They must bear that repayment burden
What the hell is time doing ranking video games?