
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago (1 children)

As a person who has come and gone as a casual linux user a few times i have had multiple chances to experience being a new user. I have used mainsream distros and niche distros.

Agree popularity is the #1 factor to consider. You need help to get you over the first humps and having a huge existing archive of other people working through issues on forums, tutorials, etc is gold. And innumerable channels to pose questions if you need personal help.

Your first linux install is like your first date. You will probably not marry and spend the rest of your life together. No need to agonize over it passing notes and getting your fortune told. Just go for it and move on.

I think you should add that the arch docs excellent regardless of what distro you use and are beginer friendly because i actually avoided them for a while assuming theyd be written in 1337 speak and only complicated arch stuff.


Hi, I made a comment on this post: "soliciting a new round of community suggestions"

Then, I got a notification that linked me to this post "Admins, you’re doing great, but please - fewer sticky threads." (this comment). @Los said

Did you mean to post this in the suggestions thread?

My browser window was still open with that tab (the suggestions thread) on top as I left it. Returned half hour later, I clicked the notification icon and this is my notification. I didn't even see this other thread before; I didn't open it or anything. In my Firefox browser history it says I have visited this URL 1 time (after clicking the notification).

So no idea how it got redirected here. I'm happy to admit to user error or potential user error but in this case I am 99% certain something weird happened.

Hopefully an isolated incident... But if there are imps running around in the server misfiling things that could cause quite the confusion.

Just sharing in case there is a pattern.... nothing to be done about it otherwise.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

was hovering over the link like "is this going to be a rick roll or something?"

so I click it and YES this is literally what I was imagining. not the rick roll, the previous comment. fucking brilliant. in the comments it says it is the last post to /r/videos

a lot of people mentioning ./ and digg here. on ./ there was this "first post" joke. it was very boring even at that time IMHO. but now is the moment to be thinking about "last post" if you are a person who has "last post" powers.

[–] [email protected] 65 points 1 year ago (4 children)

This is the best most comprehensive article written on this subject. And there is a link to every other article. As usual EFF does their homework and applies their judgement to describe perfectly:

The heart of this fight is for what Reddit’s CEO calls their “valuable corpus of data,” i.e. the user-made content on the company’s servers, and for who gets live off this digital commons. While Reddit provides essential infrastructural support, these community developers and moderators make the site worth visiting, and any worthwhile content is the fruit of their volunteer labor. It’s this labor and worker solidarity which gives users unique leverage over the platform, in contrast to past backlash to other platforms.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

Interesting questions... well they would have to pick a protocol(s) and implement them. They would have to comply with the mechanics and the licenses.

For example here is the ActivityPub rec. Given how non interested reddit seems to be in developing... anything... that is not directly $$$-oriented it's hard to imagine them doing all this. But if they for some reason decided to make a take over of the fediverse and put their back into it? It would be a totally different reddit and I can't imagine it.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

I do some self hosting for my own projects.. if you want to and have the time an resources it is fun in a way. It is trivial to start with 1 thing so try it out. Probably your OS already has servers installed.

However it is my opinion that it is better, for the most part, for most people to use tools hosted externally. There are economies of scale. It would really be truely stupid for masses of people to all have their own little homelabs. And being an admin is a serious trade with a lot of skills and it is a time sink. And it is risky. If we are doing stuff online that we want to last, that is important, there are reasons to leave it to smarty pants nerds. Just like home maintenece or health care or hair cuts... there is a role for hobby DIY and a role for getting a pro.

If you cant parse the documentation to figure out how to set it up, you are not competant to do it. The software is not ready to be run by a person of your skill level. And im not saying that to be shitty to you; i looked at the requirements and i think it would be more than i have the time/knowledge to do. I have tried and failed for this reason at lots of things.

This is really complex project. Try something simpler Here is a list (simple to ultra complicated):

There are a couple of selfhost(ed) communities on lemmy too

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I thought that was quite an escalation also. But maybe their health & safety committee reccomended it. Probably just trying to make the workers feel embattled and unsafe so they would avoid engaging with the issues and stay to reddits side. Its a PUA kind of doublespeak; spez is the one actually making the threat. But in a way it seems to come from us.

To be a fly on the wall at the water cooler. Please reddit workers, leak a zoom call.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Oh wow this person literally has not even taken the time to find out the licensing logistics required to enact their plan. Quel surprise.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

it's powerful enough to be a serious threat to those living outside its borders

Thank you for differentiating why china is such a big problem and US, UK etc are not. This is unique to china.

Oh wait....

Its like babys first time on wikipedia dive in this thread.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

The battles are so feirce because the stakes are so low.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

I think the point is better made wrt operation paperclip than the human "experimentation". I do not think the latter turned out to be very useful. Their "experiments" were often along the lines of, "if we inject poinson into the eyeball of one twin, what happens to the other twin?" And other questions no one was asking. Afaik the most prominent "contribution" of nazi medical science post ww2 was the drug thalydimide.

Aside from the ethics i think it is really too generous to attribute to these particular methods of "research" much benefit. It gives the impression that if science wasnt so bogged down with IRB paperwork, theyd really be able to get stuff done... when in fact the opposite is true. People who are given a free pass to do whatever without accountability to humanity generally produce trash even from a very utilitarian pov.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Tbh i do not know what argument OP is responding to exactly. Presumably someone wants to rename it Icepick and have a banner at the top of every page proclaiming "we remember our fallen comrades of the Kronstadt rebellion".

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

but I can't stress enough how a massive chunk of the internet these days relies on Amazon Web Services to get online, and I could say likewise for Microsoft or Google. I'd swear off their services if I could and embrace a hardline FOSS stance, but if I went through with that, a lot of my employment opportunities wouldn't consider me.

I assume you mean because you work in tech and these are the tools of the trade.. but who in the world doing anything can actually avoid these? Try setting up a firewall that fully blocks them and try to use the internet. Nobody can avoid the services run by people with the most reprehensible ideas who have the means to put the into action, and do.


For example if I am on how do I most efficiently open it in beehaw so I can interact? There is a sidebar that says

You are not logged in. However you can subscribe from another Fediverse account, for example Lemmy or Mastodon. To do this, paste the following into the search field of your instance: !fediverse@[email protected]

I have not been able to follow these instructions successfully. idk about anyone else.

I can eventually find my way to the beehaw post by manually adding the name of the group [email protected] to make the URL[email protected] and searching in the page. Which is really not very smooth.

But what if I was looking for something that was not one of the most recently posted items? Do I just have to manually scroll?

Is there any corresponding identifier of the post that is consistent between instances? There must be, right? How else could they all interact otherwise.

Any help would be welcome as I am constantly ending up on other sites and this is very cumbersome.


I would like to try making a few minor changes to the CSS in either kbin or lemmy both of which I've been trying out. I favor a more dense interface and think styles could help visually separate different kinds of content. Maybe to reorganize some stuff if I got more ambitious.

I have some experience with web stuff, css. I can get around in git. But I am not a sysadmin or a programmer. And I have never worked on such a large comprehensive project.

Here are the repos I found:

codeberg Kbin/kbin-core

  • seems to have no contib guidelines
  • issues: 50 open, 4 closed

github LemmyNet/lemmy

  • contrib - same link for both repos but doesn't really give much useful info

  • Issues: 184 open, 1,594 closed

github LemmyNet/lemmy-ui

  • issues: 197 open, 507 closed

Do I need to run the whole server with back end to fiddle with the CSS? Or can I use the developer tools in my browser to produce an alternative stylesheet?

Maybe it is just way above my skill set to make full PRs in something so complex. Should I post mock ups of how I'd like it to look as an issue?

Or just wait for someone who knows better how to get it done to come along?


What would folks think about using this tool to clone the existing subreddit? Losing the historical content would really suck. I make heavy use of subreddit search for solving technical problems.

rileynull/RedditLemmyImporter: 🔥 Anti-Reddit Aktion 🔥

This project translates Reddit API responses into a PL/pgSQL script which loads the data into a Lemmy database.

In other words, it takes Reddit posts/comments and puts them into Lemmy.

PS I am a pretty newb person and last time I tried to do much with a db I didn't get very far so please no one rely on me to get this done. I will see about giving it a shot but given the short timelines might not get it in time.


post from @[email protected] :

I am a software developer by craft and a linux system admin by hobby. I cannot commit to moderating and managing my own instance, but I would be glad to help someone with the technical aspects.

The most common complaint I saw in Reddit and here about switching to Lemmy is the difficulty of setting it up, so I thought I would help bridge this gap.

While I have never hosted my own instance before, I already checked the setup guide and it looks pretty simple to me, so I am confident I can do it. Please feel free to comment or DM.

It would be great if you can comment general questions. I can then respond to you here and maybe others will see it and know how to host their own instances too.

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