Then what did you say? There seems to be some kind of major disconnect between you, the implications of the linked article, and why the FBI could be involved.
Do you think that grooming doesn't fall under child sex abuse? Do you think that the FBI wouldn't be interested in logs that may show prior knowledge of this abuse and would contradict prior statements that MrBeast was unaware? Do you think if he was aware of this abuse and didn't say anything that this wouldn't count as covering up child sex abuse, aka being an accessory to a crime?
Yeah! Why would the agency that investigates online child sex abuse be interested in chat logs that potentially contain information about online child sex abuse?
So, you're unable or unwilling to answer the question.
Ok, serious question. Do you honestly think Trump would be doing better?
You're right, it is! You should take it off right now!
8 Gotta love them big naturals!