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[–] conicalscientist 41 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

Their bullet points are spin-doctoring.

Also the comment got a few dozen upvotes almost immediately. Suspicious.

[–] conicalscientist 2 points 3 days ago

That's why Chinas manufacturing is being targeted too. Otherwise they will inevitably develop the process for bleeding edge in house chip fabrication. Technology is only a matter of time. The US is trying to stall any way they can.

[–] conicalscientist 4 points 3 days ago

Yeah the "told you so" stuff falls on deaf ears. Trump is an internet troll. His supporters have come to embody that. They are content rolling in their own shit. Anyone is welcome to join.

There's no reasoning or out trolling trolls. No going low or going high. You're supposed to ignore trolls. Ultimately they are the lone fool rolling in their own shit. The time to do this was in the 2016 campaign. Should have ignored him and elected an establishment Republican. Donald would be shilling steaks or whatever right now.

[–] conicalscientist 1 points 3 days ago (1 children)

It's abundant on the moon. It can be mined. There's another space race going on. We don't hear about it because the west isn't winning. And we're in the middle of another cold war where propaganda must control the narrative.

[–] conicalscientist 10 points 3 days ago

It's not a question. It's an opinion massaged into an question so you will have to hear how shit it is because otherwise you wouldn't.

[–] conicalscientist 3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

New adage. The more vehemently some internet commenter tries to defend a rapist the more guilty they are.

[–] conicalscientist 6 points 3 days ago

People aren't as principled as they like to think they are.

[–] conicalscientist 0 points 4 days ago (2 children)

And here I thought lemmy would be better than reddit.

[–] conicalscientist 12 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

It's not pretending if that's what you want. It's just what you are.

[–] conicalscientist -3 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (5 children)

Meh... Less than 3 million vote swing and everyone is clamoring to explain how this is the most successful precise strategic political victory in history for Democrats. Instead everyone has their own opinion about why it's the greatest meandering boondoggle ever.

I think the gist of the article is correct. And it could be written a lot shorter. Basically Democrats have ignored men. It's been about 10 years and they still don't get it. Men are people too. We vote.

Yeah we suck. We're shitlord ra[p|c]ists. So forget about men, right? We're persona non grata. Pretty much the Democrat strategy of this generation. Both parties have siloed into their own base. Unfortunately for Democrats they don't have the disaffected male vote which is costing them greatly.

This wasn't so much a political loss for the Democrats. It was a cultural one. Politically the people want liberal policy. As evidenced by the fact that without the lens of partisanship, people tend to prefer what liberals offer. e.g. Obamacare without the stink of "Obamacare" is just healthcare that even republicans support and rely on.

Republicans are winning the culture war which is translating to sweeping political victories. As much as the claim to be taking devastating hits in the face of some made up Democrat goliath of oppression. Reality has proven to be the opposite. Democrats are not in tune with the people. Having entertainment and the music industry has only gotten them 1 for 3 in as many elections.

The article is wrong about Democrats having mainstream media on their side. MSM supports Trump. It was clear in 2016 for those of us keeping score. Trump was the medias favorite to win back then too. They loved the ratings. Now? I think some of them have simply gone mask off. "Sanewashing" as people are calling it. The media won't cover things as they are. They stretch the overton window to normalize the far right while the left gets no such reciprocation.

The article is also wrong about gamers being historically progressive. This is a fictional archetype of innocent nice-guy nerds. This is basically an entirely made up Hollywood movie trope. Gamers have always been reactionary. The difference is that gamers we're not political.

And I think "gamer" should be expanded to internet culture. The historically predominantly male online nerd cultures but we'll keep calling them "gamers" here.

Republicans identified this back in 2016. Democrats are still clueless about it in 2025. Just a bunch of edgelord gamer kids who don't vote anyways. Those kids are now adults. In fact many of those gamers were adults back then too. Yeah they're pathetic old man-children playing video games all day but they vote none the less. At least they can be persuaded to which is what Republicans have been doing. So by now Democrats have lost generations of voting age men. They will continue to fight this ever steeper uphill battle.

Nobody on the left has an answer for how to actually reach these voters. It's made even more difficult when people won't even acknowledge the fact that these men we're not ever progressive to begin with. Gamers have always been racist and sexist. The difference that people can't attune to is that they were not political so they assume these nerds must be progressive by default. Because shouting n-bombs is fine when you follow up with "it's just a joke bro". To be frank people seem to have fallen for one of the oldest tricks when someone says "I'm no racist but ... It's just the facts bro. You can't argue with facts." That's a classic gamer-isms / internet-isms.

Gamers did not pivot into reactionary. They were activated politically. It's an old meme that you would not be anyone's "personal army". In other words you'd remain apolitical. Not to be mistaken for not having political opinions but that you wouldn't be actively engaged in politics. Republicans blew up floodgates holding that back. Another meme was to "hide your power level". In other words don't reveal you're far right opinions. Another thing that was done away with. But really it was a symbolic gesture since nobody really hid their bigotry online. Especially not gamers.

Democrats should have prioritized trying strategize this problem. They've had 10 years of ignoring it. They've dug their own grave at this point. If they still don't know these basic things about internet culture then they're doomed to keep losing in the foreseeable future.

[–] conicalscientist 51 points 1 week ago

The Los Angeles Fire Department released photos of the plane, including one showing the damage. It said the plane was struck by "a civilian drone."
The Federal Aviation Administration has opened an investigation, and noted in a statement that it had not authorized anyone unaffiliated with firefighting operations to fly drones in the area.

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