
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I have the exact same complaint. From what I see you can browse followed hashtags in the "Discover" tab but even then - it's showing the feed per hashtag, so you have to click each individual one to see the tagged posts and you can't browse a feed based on all followed hashtags. This is very impractical, and I basically stopped browsing pixelfed due to this.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

I also have some frustrations regarding "From", a lot of episodes are drama filler, and that filler is definitely badly written. I admit there are scenes that I simply skipped when I could tell that nothing important would come out of them lmao. The idea behind the story is super interesting though, and that keeps me coming back. I'm really curious what this place is.

I think some moments are really well executed, the mystery in the first episodes, and when they built the radio tower and Jim heard that voice... First hope and later absolute terror! That's some writing! But yeah, a lot of it is ruined by pointless filler :/.

I love the intro, both visuals and the song. So climactic! And I come back for my favorite characters: Jade, Tabitha, Victor, Boyd. The rest is meh and some are downright terrible lmao.

The finale of this season gave me some hope for the next one, but the episodes in the middle were disappointing, I agree. We'll see!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

Thanks, I forgot about it! I think I watched an episode or two of season 1 long time ago, I should revisit it. I don't know exactly how to say this but Yellowjackets is raw and absolutely uncompromising. Savage almost 😂 It's an interesting watch but not an easy one to binge for me for some reason. But definitely a quality show. I love Melanie Lynskey and everything she's in.


Since the last episode of this season is behind us, I am looking for some recommendations on what to watch to fill this void. Hopefully this thread won't be considered off-topic. I mostly lurk so I'm sorry if this does not fit the magazine.

I'm using word "similar" pretty loosely here - in general I like mysterious shows, not necessarily horrors or gore (but not excluding those).

  • It's probably nothing new, but just in case you haven't watched it yet, I'd like to recommend "Dark" (imho best to watch in original German audio and English subtitles).

  • I also love "1899" but it got cancelled after 1st season :( The show is complex and not without flaws, but I think it's interesting, entertaining, has great soundtrack, visuals, and production value. I think it still might be worth seeing as a curiosity but keeping in mind there won't be a resolution.

  • My absolute fave is "Severance" (on Apple TV+). Just a fantastic show that completely defies any expectations and has an incredibly tense and well put together finale of season 1. Can't wait for the next season.

  • Season 1 of "The Haunting of Hill House" is also great, season 2 is a bit worse in my opinion (it's like an anthology series so they are not really connected with plot) but still worth seeing.

  • I tried to get into "Silo" recently, but it wasn't a success for me, something about the pacing seems off. I will try to give it another chance at some point though.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

Wow, what an episode! I think it was the best one so far. People actually exchanging information and working toward solving something, plot moving forward... that was great!

I loved Jade and Tabitha as usual. I wonder what "anghkooey" means and why the children in Jade's "vision" were laying like this, looking at that opening... I mean it explains the symbol, but what was actually happening there?

Boyd finally got himself together and he was powerful this episode. I don't think we can trust "Abby", she's probably not Abby at all. She's been actively trying to hinder his progress from the beginning, I think.

Even Sara managed to prove useful... Randall spent the episode unconscious, that's a big plus for me lmao. Fuck Reggie though, his acting isn't even funny anymore. And Jim... he's useless and seems to be offended that everyone's smarter than him. I am afraid he will blame Victor for Tabitha's absence :(

Tabitha and Victor are so precious ❤. I love them.

The ending shocked me actually, I don't know what to think. Is it safe to believe that Tabitha actually got out? If the lighthouse is the way out, does it mean that it holds this entire place together? Maybe it should be destroyed like the music box?
Next season can't arrive soon enough :( This last episode has shown that the writers seem to have some actual outline of the plot, not just making it up as they go. I am so curious what happens next.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

I wish the episodes were longer. Once you skip the initial annoying "Previously on From", the episode feels very short.

Reggie gave us "The Room" level of acting. At least it was entertaining lmao. Tbh he was easier for me to watch than the saga of Marielle's withdrawal, it has way too much screen time and it doesn't move the plot forward (except for that new development in this episode, I guess). Not to mention that since Marielle has arrived, Kristi became basically useless and erratic. It's infuriating how she kept leaving Marielle alone. And I hate the haircut lol.

No words to describe how much I hate Randall; I was truly hoping for his demise this episode. I really like how Boyd handled him, not sure about giving him gun though. Of course, not sure what will actually happen with him after all this. Donna survived though, that's all I need. Jim is such an ass, Tabitha and Jade are doing best without him lmao. It's just that he should not be left alone because he has too many stupid ideas. Also, Ethan sucks :/

When the music was playing in the RV, number 47 was shown on the screen of the radio. I wonder if it has any significance.

Sara and Kenny 😐. I'm sorry but I'm just fast forwarding their scenes. These monologues are really badly acted I feel. And it's constantly the same thing, over and over.

I don't know what to think. I love mystery, and I know it's a mystery box show, but we have very little answers and more and more new mysteries/questions. The last episode will end on an absolutely gigantic cliffhanger, that's for sure. I just hope that the writers genuinely know where they intend to go with this. And that the show doesn't get cancelled. Otherwise, it feels like not a single thing will be solved.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Lostwave reminds me of liminal space. It's an aesthetic rather than an actual mystery, but it gives me a similar vibe.

Back when I was still browsing reddit, I always really liked the subreddit about unresolved mysteries. Hopefully a similar community will at some point emerge in Fediverse.

I've always been a fan of a good mystery.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Why do they want my first and last name for registration? Seems more like facebook than reddit.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I think that distinction between "NSFW" and "NSFL" would be very useful to have. I often wished for that feature while browsing reddit.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Thank you, I subscribed! Hopefully it will take off :)

~~Btw, I got a notification about your reply, and I can see it on your profile, but I do not see it when viewing the thread. Not sure why.~~ Never mind, all is working now.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

r/UnresolvedMysteries. I really liked this subreddit. Now I took a look at the thread about API changes which is stickied there and it just seems a lot of people are asking "can someone explain to me what's going on/who cares about 3rd party apps" (and my favorite one - "it's all power-hungry mods' fault"), so it doesn't seem like the community will migrate from reddit.

I miss reading all the write-ups, not only about true crime but also other mysteries.

I'll also add: LiminalSpace and ididnthaveeggs (for all the insane recipe reviews lol).

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Is it possible to block/follow tags?

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