We maken er toch een potje van.
joined 2 years ago
Er zijn dan ook een stuk meer 30-wegen tov andere jaren.
Is parfume-influencer another word for someone who farts a lot?
Just go see a doctor …
Those who believe tend to fight harder for a lie.
Apple and Apple users have also ruined Android. I'm done pretending to be okay with people financially supporting such a fucking horrific and influential company.
You do know android is from google right? I know you do, but it’s makes you missing your own point entirely.
Brings back some “carmageddon” nostalgia though.
I have an HP laser printer that is the same. It’s from the pre hated era. HP hates machines that live that long.
He’s even serious when he makes a blooper. Brilliant.
His overbite wasn’t because of sucking his own thumb.