He is in the list, because the contract is not yet voided. Lawson not being at VCRAP is rather a hint that there will be still changes
Thats not different, quality wise
Thanks! I edited! (Not a native speaker...)
Fairphone 4. No complaints at all
Stop using the Google app then
Chicken Shop Dates has a weired premise I think
Whats the problem with Renault? I don't think that they are at the fault there
To give a bit nore details: She ignored her quarantine mandate, didn't wear a mask and chatted him up in the stairwell. Because she was convinced she doesn't have Covid even though she was diagnosed.
Eventhough I am not pro chatbot, such a poll is unfortunately completely worthless. Only random samples (or at least representative ones) allow to say something about a group.
If we go into an AI fanboy forum and ask the same question, we may find 3000 people saying the exact opposite. It just means nothing whatsoever.
I meant how it ended up in the list.
But interesting info anyway! Always nice to learn such things! Thanks!
Yes, of course! Who would switch lane without looking, that is a setup for desaster. And it is definitely taught in driving school (at least in Austria, but I guess that is quite everywhere the case) to look in both mirrors and over the shoulder.