Thats not different, quality wise
Thanks! I edited! (Not a native speaker...)
Fairphone 4. No complaints at all
Stop using the Google app then
Chicken Shop Dates has a weired premise I think
Whats the problem with Renault? I don't think that they are at the fault there
To give a bit nore details: She ignored her quarantine mandate, didn't wear a mask and chatted him up in the stairwell. Because she was convinced she doesn't have Covid even though she was diagnosed.
Eventhough I am not pro chatbot, such a poll is unfortunately completely worthless. Only random samples (or at least representative ones) allow to say something about a group.
If we go into an AI fanboy forum and ask the same question, we may find 3000 people saying the exact opposite. It just means nothing whatsoever.
I meant how it ended up in the list.
But interesting info anyway! Always nice to learn such things! Thanks!
Interistinh choice to add Karlsruhe. How did that happen?
He is in the list, because the contract is not yet voided. Lawson not being at VCRAP is rather a hint that there will be still changes