I have no experience on this procedure, I have not done this before, I need to read some documentation to understand what it is you are asking, and if I can, I surely will. If you send me any helpful link, I would appreciate it.
Oh, I see. Phew, you gave me a scare for a moment. That I will fix right now, easy. Thanks for the feedback!
I am glad you like it!
Thank you for your feedback, I am glad you like it.
Do you have this problem from the start? Is this the only problem you are facing? Have you installed the dependecies?
Hahaha, it never entered my mind!
Thanks for the feedback.
Tbh I have never solved a killer sudoku, much less thought of creating a tui program for killer sudoku.
I wouldn't worry about the appearance in the terminal, it is doable.
Challenge accepted, let me do some research, and it is possible that I can come up with something, stay tuned!
Oh, the FUN parts.
I initially tried to incorporate past attempts to generate a sudoku 9x9 matrix, even added a backtracking routine that would detect and exclude duplicate solutions. Unfortunately, the whole process of generating a new puzzle was taking about 30". What is more, the outcome, although symmetrical and all, was not what I wanted. The routines were in c
. You can have a look if you like:
Very cool!
I think I needed this info, I will do it today. Thank you!