Of course, next time I feel like writing a script, I will make sure that I let you know first, and get your approval.
This may clearly shock you, I know. Why though?
Through the script you could go to https://www.radio-browser.info/search?page=1&order=clickcount&reverse=true&hidebroken=true&tagList=metal, pick the stations you fancy and headbang yourself unconscious... 🎸 🤘
De gustibus et coloribus...
Each user can create add and enjoy any tag and station they like!
I must admit I had to look sxmo up...
I have used xfce and cinnamon without any problems, I think I like xfce a little more.
I am glad you like it. Retext is the light (and now beautiful) solution to md editing.
You can also tweak your own preferred theme if you like. If you need help doing this, don't hesitate to ask.
I like xed for coding. Simple, costumisable enough, great experience.
Thank you again for the effort and contribution, it is very appreciated.
Great, I guess that makes this script readily available to any Arch (+Arch based distros) user who is looking for a sudoku program in the AUR, correct? Thanks very much!
I have now added a tag (0.1.0) on the tui-sudoku repo.
This script could might as well be an one-liner. It was simple and easy.