I'd only tolerate ads if I also have to pay for my OS. If they're just going to give away the OS, then what's the point of ads? I need to know that I'm worthy of being stolen from.
"not your problem" is actually my opinion on how the US should treat this problem.
You know Hamas kidnapped and is holding some US citizens?
Hamas kidnapped some American citizens and is holding them in Gaza. The US would likely prefer to attempt any rescue themselves or at least assist in any attempts.
Because Hamas kidnapped some American citizens and is holding them in Gaza. The US would likely prefer to attempt any rescue themselves or at least assist in any attempts.
In case anyone stumbles across this post like I did, here's links for all of the above
Wolverine/ Spectre WS-MCR 5.56 mm, 7.62 x 39 mm https://wolverinesupplies.com/shop/rifles/rifles/spectre-ws-mcr-sa-5-56-nato-18-7-475mm-dm-templar-style-lower
Kodiak Defence WK180C Gen 2 https://kodiakdefence.com/product/kodiak-defence-wk180c-5-56-nato-18-7-non-restricted/
Kodiak Defence WK181 Gen 2 https://kodiakdefence.com/product/wk181c/
Lockhart Tactical LTAC 556 https://www.lockharttactical.com/raven556
Black Creeks Lab SRV2 https://www.blackcreeklabs.com/semi-automatic-rifles/srv2-siberian/
Maple Ridge Armoury Renegade https://mapleridgearmoury.com/renegade/
Maple Ridge Armoury Maverick https://mapleridgearmoury.com/maverick/mra-maverick-rifle-308-win/
Aahhh ok my apologies then. Sounded like you were just bashing everything that wasn't on the right. Thought you were pulling that lame right wing tactic where they say something like:
As a leftist, everyone sucks except the far right nut job, we should all switch our votes to them!
What do you dislike so much about Singh? Not fiery enough? Edging too much to the center?
Spoken like a true conservative
Not a movie, but if you want scary you should try browsing real estate websites, the prices are truly horrific.
Can you really blame him though?
Think about it...
Normal schools turn kids into well educated socialists, so what does that leave for the conservatives? He just wants a school that will turn kids into uneducated selfish assholes like him!
Welcome to McDonald's, can I take your order?
I Hate ~~Illinois~~ Alberta Nazis