What's next? Alberta reelects Trump?
It's probably happening during atmospheric reentry considering they're shipped in from the outer edges of the solar system.
TrUdEaU nEeDs HeLp fRoM oThEr cOuNtRiEs tO cReAtE jObS cuz hE cAnT cReAtE jObS fOr uS cAnAdIaNs bY HiMseLf! SwEdEn lIkEs cAnAdIaNs mOrE tHaN TrUdEaU cUz hE oNlY cArEs aBoUt hIs hAiR!!!
I think he is!
Good points.
the people I am thinking of around here tend to buy the homes that most people don't want to buy and fix up themselves.
Easy solution is to allow them to only buy homes that have been on the market for x number of days then (60 days? 90days?). That at least gives families a chance to potentially buy in before everything gets snapped up.
Not 100% sure if you're being sarcastic or not. Just can't tell anymore these days.
Makes sense when you realize the Albertan politicians are all suckling at the big oil teets.
Good points (upvoted), but keep in mind that that 100k profit just drove the price of that house up by at least 100k, not counting actual value added by renovations. Allowing corporations, even small LLCs, to purchase residential homes for the purposes of generating profit is taking that home off the market where it may have been affordable to less affluent individuals. This adds to the hurdles poorer families face with being able to secure housing and build their own wealth. In other words, if all of the cheap houses get snapped up by corporate flippers, what's left for poorer families?
I'm not anti-capitalist like a lot of lemmings, but I feel that certain basic needs like housing need to be protected from the ruthlessness of the corporate profit agenda.
Hollywood hacking or updating packages?
Jordan Peterson
thought that was a poorly drawn Mitt Romney
Please leave
This is the reason for me. Sometimes I don't want to step through the code and just want to scan through a giant list of output.