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[–] chaonaut 5 points 3 months ago

Perhaps you might examine the various way in which queer people in general have been marginalized by labelling all their activities as obscene and sexual. For example, you might take the example of teachers in Florida who are in a same-sex marriage being prohibited from mentioning their marriage lest they be sanctioned for sexual content, while teachers in straight marriages were under no such restrictions. Similarly, the existence of queer people itself has been deemed so sexual by some that even mentioning to a child who is struggling with their identity that queer people exist has been called--in all absence of reason--child abuse.

If you can take those example, and then consider that your perspective of furries, much like homo- and transphobes' perspective of queer people, is skewed to view it as entirely sexual despite all the parts that aren't and classify the parts that would be normal sexuality in any other subgroup as deviant. This, as you might be able to deduce, can be quite restrictive of those people's "allowed" place in society.

[–] chaonaut 7 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Sorry, were you around for the past several elections? Perhaps the 2020 elections where, upon the progressives banding with Biden to get him elected with the expectation that we would be able to "push him to the left", the Democratic party decided that the reason they didn't win more seats was because Progressives had damaged their chances of winning, and they must be marginalized. Or perhaps the 2016 elections where, the target of a long running hate campaign was preferred by the party over the popular progressive candidate who was then blamed for his supporters not being won over. Or the 2012 elections where the incumbent Democrat failed to deliver on progressive policies and was a high water mark for drone strikes, but progressives helped bring the win over the candidate Republicans weren't excited for.

I voted for Harris in hopes that she'd beat out Trump despite how much she and Biden before her discarded progressive policy. I was under no expectation of Progressives being able to do a damn thing to reach her.

[–] chaonaut 2 points 3 months ago

Please recognize that other people in this thread are doing those things while you, separately, are merely deriding furries. And while they may not be wholly queer, there is a lot of queer people who are furries and, apparently, a least one study found that two-thirds of furries are queer. And, yes, as it happens "theatre kids" are often queer, and recognizing that a lot of homophobia is directed at theatre folk because it can be an space for queer people to safely explore their identity is somewhat important.

[–] chaonaut 2 points 3 months ago

I appreciate that they and their personal community is in pain at this moment, but I don't think they were justified in calling me and mine cowardly and hopelessly sheltered because I personally live in relative safety and am struggling with the helplessness of being unable to make enough of an impact to my government was called for. I don't want me and mine to go through such pain, but I am increasingly concerned that we will not be able to avoid it.

[–] chaonaut 3 points 3 months ago

I have people that I'm working with on the local scene who could not bring themselves to vote for Harris, even with how awful they knew Trump to be. I was able to vote, but I understand why they could and know that they still get out and do the work

Being disappointed by Democrats is unfortunately nothing new for me. Two decades of it under my belt so far.

Yeah, and what they've been doing to Rashida Tlaib has been sickening me. I have so much respect for what she's been doing, and seeing the Democratic Party trying to villainize her and her constituents has been disheartening.

[–] chaonaut 2 points 3 months ago

Clearly, no queer person has ever adopted a flamboyant persona and worn elaborately designed costumes.

[–] chaonaut 6 points 3 months ago (4 children)

I'm all over this comment chain. It rather bothers me seeing this kind of bigotry get deployed against a queer subculture, and a rather long standing one, because it's the same oppression that gets put on us from the outside, and it is especially galling when I see queer people do it to other queer people. I presume that TERF lesbians calling trans people "predatory men invading women's spaces and misguided sisters" is something you can't stand at least as much as I do? Please recognize that painting furries as sexual degenerates is the same thing. Maybe I'm at a nexus of the gay furry community, but so many of the queer people in my locale are also part of the furry subculture, and, no, their existence is not purely sexual, and, yes, furry is a pretty core aspect of their identity and culture.

[–] chaonaut 5 points 3 months ago (6 children)

Oh, indeed. I'm sure you have a tight five about identifying as a helicopter you're just dying to share with us.

[–] chaonaut 5 points 3 months ago (8 children)

And now the pivot from furries to trans people. I am utterly shocked that this would be the case.

[–] chaonaut 2 points 3 months ago

Perhaps, just perhaps, you should compare gay art as well. Or perhaps even "straight" art, if you're feeling adventurous! But, no, clearly, the only titillating or indeed sexually explicit artwork is that put out by the furry community.

[–] chaonaut 9 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Another day, another sensationalization of the sexual aspects of a queer subcultures. If it's not the "inherent sexualization of discussing gay people", or trans people as "autogynephillia and autoandrophillia', it's furries or kink at pride. It's really disheartening hearing the same tools of oppression being deployed over and over again.

[–] chaonaut 15 points 3 months ago

Tell me you don't know queer subcultures without telling me you don't know queer subcultures. Would you like to complain about drag shows while you're at it? I hear it is very in vogue at the moment.

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