
joined 8 months ago
[–] chaogomu 5 points 14 hours ago

The more important point where the graph is misleading.

While their market share went down, that says nothing. The market exploded over that period.

Total installs is the thing you want to graph.

Or Monthly Active Users, which has been mostly flat or slightly declining since 2019, the oldest date that Firefox currently lists on their website. Because all sorts of graphs are publicly available on that site.

I'm also certain that I can find data going back further.

[–] chaogomu 3 points 16 hours ago

I have a better idea than the gallows. Give them a minimum wage job that deals with customers.

A small one bedroom apartment thrown is as well, and no access to their money for a few years. just their minimum wage.

[–] chaogomu 16 points 1 day ago (6 children)

Over on reddit there's an entire genre of this sort of fiction in /r/hfy

[–] chaogomu 1 points 1 day ago

Edge cases like you describe are a key part of Ordinal voting systems, Cardinal voting systems are immune to that sort of thing.

Also, Cardinal voting systems can be super easy. Take Approval.

Simply take a list of names, and mark next to each candidate you approve of. If you feel like you need to have a moral conundrum over what you feel like approval means, then go ahead, but just mark the next to any or all of the names on the list that you like.

After that, the counting is simple as well. You add up the approval of each candidate, independent of what any other candidate gets, and then the winner is the one with the most approval.

It is literally impossible to elect an unpopular candidate via Approval, unless only unpopular candidates run.

STAR is slightly more complex, in that you rate each candidate on a scale of 0-5. Again, no one actually cares about your personal journey in rating someone a 4 or whatnot, just do it and move on.

Then when counting, you again add up the numbers, take the highest two, and see where they rate on each individual ballot. If one is rated higher than the other, they get the vote from that ballot.

[–] chaogomu 9 points 3 days ago (4 children)

Changing the voting system so that third parties are actually possible.

You need a cardinal voting system, otherwise you'll fall prey to Durverger's Law and Arrow's Impossibility Theorem.

I favor STAR, it's the best system designed to date.

[–] chaogomu 5 points 3 days ago

Some parts of the punk community punch Nazis on sight, yes. Particularly in the British punk community.

[–] chaogomu 6 points 4 days ago

Except the truth is that no, almost every venom is safe to ingest. Provided you don't have any cuts in your mouth or throat.

Snakes are not immune to their own venom. They don't need to be, because their stomach acid can break it down.

As can ours.

[–] chaogomu 3 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Ranked Choice is an Ordinal voting system that fails Arrow's Theorem.

In some rare cases, it can produce a result even worse than First Past the Post. There are a bunch of flaws in RCV, because it was invented before mathematical evaluation was as robust as it is these days.

Simulation, and some unfortunate real world examples, show that if you vote in and election with at least three somewhat viable candidates, and keep strategy in mind, you can rate your preferred candidate second and improve their chances of winning.

No voting system should be able to do this. RCV has more flaws in addition to this already game breaking one.

[–] chaogomu 12 points 4 days ago (3 children)

It is literally to have a viable third party under First Past the Post. It boils down to Duverger's law. Or more broadly Arrow's Impossibility Theorem

We need to focus on the actual voting system before we can start generating and supporting Third Parties.

Specifically we need a cardinal voting system. It's literally the only way to gain viable third parties that are not just extensions of the major two.

Sadly it's too late to get voting reform on any more ballots this year.

But you can still get involved.

[–] chaogomu 9 points 4 days ago

It's not a remake. It's a sequel with the same director and writing team as the first one.

It also has a few truly disturbing scenes.

[–] chaogomu 1 points 5 days ago (1 children)
[–] chaogomu 6 points 5 days ago

As a teen, the main question I had was, "can I make a pipe out of this?".

Now that I'm old, the question is mostly "why the hell is this still illegal on a federal level?"

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