Yes. Radio waves can pierce opaque objects.
Ah. Well if your PC is static, a USB tuner isn't too much. Plus then you have a built-in DVR.
I hear that. We have an attic yagi aimed directly at Seattle from 10 miles away, and we still get the occasional dropout even on our strongest signals.
Still when it works, it works really well. We watch Nature and Nova on Sundays, and the wildlife footage looks incredible.
Well considering many paid tiers of streaming services also serve ads, I consider it free-er than that.
Also, most of the hardware is already inside your TV. You just need a $20 antenna.
Also attempts to make the ads more invasive (louder in this case) are literally legally limited by the federal government.
See this is what I’m talking about. Cable is not the same as over the air. I’m not sure how your cable works in Hungary content/pricing-wise, but I do find it funny that a lot of younger people in this thread are lumping the two together.
You don’t, but that only applies to sports or things that you need to watch live.
Ah, I remember finding it on stumbleupon like 20 years ago. I always thought it odd that there was no video or follow up story.
Hunted for a link at 1am last night and wasn’t really paying attention. Plus the whole thing grossed me out, so I didn’t look too closely.
Sorry for wasting everyone’s time.
Wait, what? Are you talking about people who upload content and try to slide by the copyright filters?
~~How about these two? (Tw: extreme body mods)
So to answer the original question, have you tried it and are you under 25?
Moore’s law factored in cost, not just what was physically possible.