No shit, sherlock
joined 2 years ago
I think that is intended
Look, we're the shithole now...
i thought the cabinet of billionairres wantswealth consolidation
Aufhebung der Beitragsbemessungsgrenze wäre auch ein Teil der Lösung... Das gebellt den gesamten solidar-Gedanken aus
This works in nearly every Programm... Browser tabs, Visual Studio, everything with Tabs can do this
for me autism contains a form of neophobia, the aversion to new things. this food is the edible pendant to a comfy couch, that formed its cushions around you, because you sit in it all day the same.
Can confirm, my autistic brain wants this Platter badly
some cultures refer to aromatized or herbal tea as infusion
He's now one year old
I (german) know of nobody that does that