I've taken to mentally breaking the seasons in half. The winter solstice to halfway before the equinox is cold and dark, but getting brighter. The previous 8th is the hardest time. It's getting darker and colder but snow is sparce. The 8th before the vernal equinox is the final stretch before spring is getting going.
And I've only ever heard three good reasons: a Floridian who moved here for the James cancer center, people from far right bumfuck states miving here because we weren't that bad without being expensive, and a Californian who moved here because he fucking sucks (insane gun nut who agrees with our state government on a lot)
Yeah I don't mind apps keeping track of how I've been using them. But if duolingo tells me where my friend got married and congratulates me on keeping my streak through that then we're gonna have some concerns
Kinda? I dress feminine because it makes me feel attractive and it's my style. But the dysphoria took hormones and bottom surgery to deal with. If I'm a woman in a suit, I don't feel dysphoric at all unless people are misgendering me, meanwhile before transitioning I attempted crossdressing and I swear I never felt more dysphoric in my life than then. But also other people have different experiences.
Were we supposed to actually go on vacation?
I do love that concept. I don't think it removes evil, just shifts its perspective
It also serves as an overwhelming and visually interesting tableau of everything vying for your attention to sell you something. All without being recognizable as one of the places like that in America such as times square or the Vegas strip
We really need standardization in batteries. I usually think that about ebikes, but this is another good example.
I wish I knew how to hack my hearing aids. They aren't even that bad, it's just minor functionality like managing Bluetooth pairings and the ability to create custom setting names so I'm not using "church mode" in meetings
It takes a special kind of person to label pipe bombs as lethal
As a young catholic that quote helped shape me
Why just solstices? I maintain that secular society would probably enjoy the cardinal (solstices and equinoxes) and ordinal (halfway points) holidays that modern pagans tend to celebrate far better than the Christian ones. They're evenly spaced out and correspond to changes in light and temperature