Reuters, AP News, and some national tv broadcasts. I try to stay away from those with agendas but you know…
This describes me. I think about this often. The best I’ve come up with is Buddhist. Ultimately isn’t that what Christ taught?
Man I miss Art Bell
Or be neighborly and go over with a couple big blocks and tell them you noticed that's sketchy and wanted to help out!
That’s why I buy fashion fit tees. I’ve tried true classic and fresh clean threads. I think I prefer the FCT. But both are cut well and super soft and the colors hold well.
Aw shit man did this dude design the one dollar bill?
Marsha! Marsha! Marsh—…
Sounds dumb but I watch my backyard ecosystem a lot. Like a LOT. I smoke on the back porch so like I say. A lot. I’ve carefully cultivated this nice little nature preserve and have watched the birds raise families. All families that return year after year and grow their own families. I recognize them and know their patterns and that’s helped me to feed them and their young at the times needed and in a way that minimizes their vulnerabilities. Same with squirrels, possums, etc.
It hurts when you see one of your babies fall prey to something bad. Hawk, neighborhood cats, nature, and worse, humans.
But I began to recognize that’s the price I have to pay to be involved. Realistically I shouldn’t be involved and in an ideal world humans would leave all animals be, but I live in suburbia and animals are sometimes dependent on us here.
But being involved is a precious thing and sometimes it just hurts. Remember that you’re likely right about the kitty falling prey to another animal. But don’t fault that animal as they are simply doing what they know. Just be ultimately grateful that nature recognized you as a safe person/safe place and that’s a pretty awesome thing. Let that thought lift you up when the dark underbelly of nature shows itself.
AOC will enter the chat
Oh man hey’ya fellow adhd’er. I’m in the same boat. I like going to this nice little city park with a pond. I park there for lunch and read. Sometimes I listen to the radio so I can see how that could be used for the audio. Plenty of people are posted up there for lunch so I don’t really look out of place. And if the weather is nice I can get out and find a place to sit on the lawn.
Dude the Pareto principal has started some shit in this household. We don’t even bring it up these days.