I interpreted it as showing that 8 hobbytes were equivalent to a hobbit. I didn't see that it could be interpreted as saying each little frodo picture under the hobbyte was a hobbit until your comment.
Or Kagi. I couldn't do DDG but Kagi was good enough for me to finally switch off of Google.
But a byte is 8 bits, not the other way around
Where's the Julia programmer that hits every one of these with @benchmark and then works for six hours to shave three nanoseconds off of the fastest one?
(Example: https://discourse.julialang.org/t/faster-bernoulli-sampling/35209)
Yeah, that was my favorite one
You can choose to ignore things you don't understand on Lemmy. I don't go into the Risa posts because I know they're not for me. If something doesn't make sense and you want to ask about it, go for it, but don't get upset when the explanation isn't one that makes sense to you. For a lot of people, popular Vines were everywhere for a while. Not everything on the internet is for you.
This is how I see it, and it seems like comments are better received here, too, which encourages me further.
I'm against the death penalty, but literally anyone can claim the evidence critical for sentencing was faulty in any crime. The article also says that the defense "sought" DNA evidence as a reason for delaying the execution, but this was a 23-year-old crime, so the odds of new DNA evidence turning up are effectively zero--and the defense knows that, so they could play this card to get an indefinite delay even if that DNA, if discovered, would actually further establish guilt.
Abolish the death penalty. Even if this guy was truly guilty, killing him didn't bring anyone else back.
I comment sometimes. Upvote a little more frequently. Just try to be active when I can.
You mean our lithium?
The White House