
joined 1 year ago
[–] calamitycastle 4 points 3 hours ago

No major surprises, strange to have both red bull and Ferrari engine issues. Based on that you've got to give both McLaren drivers a shot at the win

[–] calamitycastle 2 points 1 day ago

Pretty much the same as you! Be interesting to see if it's going to go like that though. Obvs a Pog Rog Jonas Remco fight is what we want for GC

[–] calamitycastle 7 points 5 days ago

His fight with Norris was the overtake of the race for sure (or overtakes!)

Hamilton's move on Sainz was pretty sweet as well

Sainz could do with winding his neck in a bit and doing some racing and I say this as a fan

[–] calamitycastle 2 points 5 days ago

Man's getting on. Can't be long before Alex Brundle gets the call up.

[–] calamitycastle 8 points 1 week ago (1 children)

The "decent drive on unexpected debut due to appendicitis" route seems to be the best way on to the f1 grid at this point.

Do we know which of the current incumbents still have theirs? Obviously Sainz and Albon are accounted for.

[–] calamitycastle 9 points 1 week ago

Beautiful game! I found the chase sections stressful though, for such a chill experience

[–] calamitycastle 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

You could still exercise a bit of manual editing, also the titles can be edited if I'm not mistaken!

[–] calamitycastle 1 points 1 week ago

What a shame, thanks for sharing

[–] calamitycastle 2 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

The benefit of having the panniers is that the weight is closer to the ground, which will improve handling and balance, and is therefore safer.

To be honest, I got the heebies when I saw the picture of the crate on the back. Definitely don't do that! It would not be at all safe in my opinion.

[–] calamitycastle 3 points 2 weeks ago

Also interested in some tips and tricks for the bolt v2

I find it takes a million years to pair every time I turn it on Sometimes when I expect to see the map I can't see it! I'm a total amateur..

Im also confused about pausing rides like OP

[–] calamitycastle 2 points 2 weeks ago

Hard to disagree with this!

[–] calamitycastle 1 points 2 weeks ago

I guess the fuzz settings can depend a lot on all the other factors like your pickups, and any other impedance-affecting things, maybe it's more noticeable with a more direct line

I do like me some DBA so that time shadows that was posted in the week is tempting for sure but I already have 3 delays going!

Sadiq Khan wins (

I just found this out today by cycling it. You can now shoot straight through the section at Surrey Quays/Southwark Park making this route extremely quick and largely safe.

I don't like the crossover at Surrey Quays station OR that weird side road dip just before the McDonalds but all things considered this is a great route.

Apologies if this is off topic, I CBA to make London cycling

Uh, dude? (
submitted 7 months ago by calamitycastle to c/lebowski

I don't know about you, but I take comfort in that




Let's NOT forget, Dude

submitted 10 months ago by calamitycastle to c/lebowski

I'll be there man


Just announced is a re-up of Bundle of Holding's Shadow of the Demon Lord pack!


Their second season of Impossible Landscapes just started, the previous season was some of the best content they have ever put out

Far out (
submitted 11 months ago by calamitycastle to c/lebowski

The battle between Bearman and Doohan was amazing! F2, in the wet, corner after corner wheel to wheel, no crash

I couldn't believe it

Should Bearman have gotten a penalty for forcing Doohan off?

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