
joined 2 years ago
[–] calamitycastle 5 points 5 hours ago (5 children)

Thanks for the heads up... Remind me is it unlimited transfers until the second race? I only played it for the first time last year and whilst I utterly CRUSHED all my IRL friends and work acquaintances, I definitely messed some stuff up at the start of the season...

OH how about a Lemmy league?


Really enjoyed this! Characters are super interesting, I love Sydney's mad voice...

Unclear where Matthew's repetition catchphrase is going to come from.

So far so good!

[–] calamitycastle 1 points 10 hours ago

Cutting it fiiiine

[–] calamitycastle 2 points 14 hours ago (2 children)

Anyone got any intel on when the official fantasy is due to launch?

[–] calamitycastle 1 points 18 hours ago

Your concept sounds extremely fun (for the right group of course!), and a really good fit for Blades in the Dark as the system (I think the system itself is called Forged in the Dark)

[–] calamitycastle 2 points 2 days ago

About 6 to 8 weeks ago it was announced, there was a long period of just combat after combat without much story.

The irony being that since they took the pressure off, and started to speed through the AP in an effort to get it to a good ending, it's been hilarious and really fun, and they've done a ton of actual roleplaying and character development

[–] calamitycastle 2 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Hey, I just posted about the most recent ep. Are you still listening to gatewalkers? How are you finding the show post cancellation announcement?


I'm gonna start posting a bit about shows on the network... The previous episode of the GCP, Room 309, was the first one from the new show that made me sad to have to wait for the next episode, and this week's didn't disappoint.

I totally get why people on the reddit are calling for the uncanceling of the show, I kind of agree! I think Barnes and Zephyr as characters need a bit of fleshing out but Gik, Ramius and Buggles are great characters and I'm stoked they're finally getting in to the back story stuff that they obviously put so much work into.

I've enjoyed these recent episodes because of the jokes and all the roleplaying.. Turns out chunky multi episode fights with single monsters isn't really what I want to listen to!

My favourite stuff on the network hands down is Get in the Trunk, but I also loved Haunted City and will be listening to Time for Chaos when it returns for sure. I need me some Ross Bryant in my ears!

Naish of Lemmy, how are you feeling these days?

This post inspired by the discussion on this week's Glass Cannon Radio re: Reddit

[–] calamitycastle 3 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Yeah it's annoying, presumably there is some data coming back to somewhere. But hey at least it's not Woolwich where you know for 100% certainty that the north lift is out of service

[–] calamitycastle 5 points 2 days ago

Sonny Hayes, he's old but he'll get the job done /s

In all seriousness, gotta get some yanks in there. Or Colapinto if he doesn't have a drive. Jak Crawford maybe, or Zane Maloney was great in f2.

I don't really know the Indy Nxt drivers... Miles Rowe perhaps?

I'll be quite disappointed if they do bring checo back, he's had his time in the sun.

[–] calamitycastle 3 points 6 days ago

I think this is just the absolute state of Motorsport journalism at the moment, truly woeful

I can't blame OP for posting stuff even if a lot of it is spammy, there is not enough users posting, nor enough news at the moment evidently

[–] calamitycastle 5 points 6 days ago

What a beauty

[–] calamitycastle 5 points 1 week ago

Best of luck to her! Wasn't much more to be done on the academy side. Hopefully she has a successful career racing

[–] calamitycastle 16 points 2 weeks ago

Get a wide front rack installed (look for "pizza rack"), put the normal cat carrier on it with bungee cords and be very careful.

I stopped doing this and just started taking the bus because I felt it was probably too stressful for all, but that's just my opinion!


Or is this not possible on Lemmy generally?


Sadly haven't had a chance to play myself yet but having watched a few character creation videos now, it really seems like the most fun system and creates powerful back stories and motivations

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by calamitycastle to c/bikewrench
submitted 4 months ago by calamitycastle to c/bikewrench

Hoping someone can offer some advice. I'm working on a late 80s Raleigh Montage, 88 I think. It has a u-brake on the rear which dates it.

Anyway I have it all stripped down, including the cup and cone bb.

The only thing I can't seem to remove are the headset cups, as the headtube is slightly flared on the inside top and bottom, so I can't get the tool to make contact with the edge of the cup.

What am I missing here? How do I get these out?

Jail terms and a repeat (

The jail sentences handed out today seem completely insane to me, not least considering the overcrowding of jails that's been reported. Even if they had tons of space it seems like madness.

I can well understand people's reservations about JSO's general tactics but at the same time, what alternative is offered by their detractors?

Personally I don't feel as though Labour or the Democrats stateside are doing, or planning on doing, anything close to enough to tackle our impact on the climate.

What do you think?


I have some cotton velox rim tape but it's not very sticky and so I'm struggling to apply it to my rims.

Can I just use a few dots of superglue here and there to stick it down?


Please let me know in non spoiler mode, isn't this game made by Brits? I'm literally going through the foot tunnel to the north side and thinking "the den is thataway" (west)

RJ lives! (
submitted 7 months ago by calamitycastle to c/bikewrench

NGL I assumed something had happened, and it kinda did, but this was an extremely welcome sight

Sadiq Khan wins (

I just found this out today by cycling it. You can now shoot straight through the section at Surrey Quays/Southwark Park making this route extremely quick and largely safe.

I don't like the crossover at Surrey Quays station OR that weird side road dip just before the McDonalds but all things considered this is a great route.

Apologies if this is off topic, I CBA to make London cycling

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