I'm gonna start posting a bit about shows on the network... The previous episode of the GCP, Room 309, was the first one from the new show that made me sad to have to wait for the next episode, and this week's didn't disappoint.
I totally get why people on the reddit are calling for the uncanceling of the show, I kind of agree! I think Barnes and Zephyr as characters need a bit of fleshing out but Gik, Ramius and Buggles are great characters and I'm stoked they're finally getting in to the back story stuff that they obviously put so much work into.
I've enjoyed these recent episodes because of the jokes and all the roleplaying.. Turns out chunky multi episode fights with single monsters isn't really what I want to listen to!
My favourite stuff on the network hands down is Get in the Trunk, but I also loved Haunted City and will be listening to Time for Chaos when it returns for sure. I need me some Ross Bryant in my ears!
Naish of Lemmy, how are you feeling these days?
This post inspired by the discussion on this week's Glass Cannon Radio re: Reddit