It's just a joke
I must be out of the loop. What's church?
Maths is red, English is blue
That's the truck I was driving the day I met my wife. And the truck she drove away in the day she divorced me. I don't know how OP got a picture of it?
Take that life!
Sophisticated bear could also be PS imo
Can any of us really be said to know anything? Descartes said "I think, therefore I am". In this essay I will...
Taste like strawberry, texture like candy floss. Put em in ur mouth
Both are bad
Scientists: humans have evolved to go to sleep later in the evening and wake up later in the morning during their teenage years. It's hard to fall asleep earlier and even if they do the quality of their sleep will be less.
Morons commenting on this post: just go to sleep earlier
MDMA in a pill baggy or capsule it's the same. That molly you're buying isn't pure either
I don't but it is the argument that people always make against introducing PR