
joined 11 months ago
[–] bpev 2 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 37 minutes ago)

Wish granted. Now management questions why everything "takes you so long", and you were passed up for promotion in order to promote Jim (just last week, he did a presentation about his new feature that uses fancyAssDB).

Don't worry, though. They'll need your help soon, in order to make Jim's fancyAssDB pet project sync with the oldAssDB legacy server (which is a completely different User/id structure. TBH might need to refactor most of Jim's code to fit. Have fun extending all of Jim's hardcoded features). He quit the company to join a crypto startup. Still no promotion though, since you finish stuff kinda slow (I mean, Jim built it in 2 weeks, so it can't be too complicated).


So now I hear you thinking "well at some point, they'll notice how much better my code works, and that features are much easier to integrate".

But don't worry, because the next month, your manager will be promoted to head of a new department and forget you exist. Meanwhile, the new head of your department doesn't know you, and is thinking of promoting Frank.

While you were fixing Jim's code, Frank added some features to your old project using fancyAssLib3 to save some time. He's doing a presentation on it tomorrow, and management is very interested, because they haven't heard about this code yet. It's Frank's codebase, right? I mean, he's doing a presentation on it.

[–] bpev 1 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Yupyup I understand that feeling for sure. I have the same nitpick problem. Just figured I’d mention this one because it’s the least dongly feeling dongle that I’ve tried by a large margin, and so has become the only one I’ve actually continued using.

[–] bpev 1 points 1 week ago (3 children)

fwiw, I found the form factor of this dac to be much more enjoyable than the pigtail adapters, because it feels more like “part of the headphone cable”: https://www.ddhifi.com/en/product-review/11321/

I’ve found that for me, the most “prone to damage” part for usb-c audio is just the usb-c connection… so idk how much a usb-c headset improves over an adapter… I just want them to add back headphone jacks. 😭

[–] bpev 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Hmmm I'm not as familiar with how routing works with OSM, but I wonder if those transits routes show up in other OSM apps, or if Organic Maps is flitering/sorting that in a way where it isn't used? Like is the data missing, or is the app doing something poorly?

[–] bpev 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (3 children)

Huh really? I haven't had that issue. But we might be totally different use-cases; If I'm routing, I'm usually in major cities mapping a route via public transit. I quite like OrganicMaps for this, because it's still quite stable in underground subways when internet is sus.

edit: To be clear, I haven't noticed issues when I map for driving either, but I'm admittedly not driving a crazy amount.

[–] bpev 4 points 1 month ago (7 children)
  • For directions, I use OrganicMaps.
  • For location bookmarks/pins, I'm currently building an app, so I use that.
  • For checking business information, sometimes i'll still use google maps
[–] bpev 9 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Yo so question for y'alls: what's your opinion on using custom domain (for portability) vs masked emails?

Rn I have my main emails on my personal domain, and then I have masked emails going through [email protected] for more anonymity + segmenting (err i mean just being able to disable a certain address individually) . But watching all this reminded me that if I decided to move away from fastmail, i'm much more locked-in this way. Do y'alls use a custom domain for masked email as well? The one thing I don't like about that is that it'd be so easy to connect multiple accounts based on domain, so anonymity is probably kinda broken.

[–] bpev 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Just wait until you taste "Songs You Recorded in High School" 😬

[–] bpev 1 points 1 month ago

I'm not sure if knowing this makes me feel better or worse.

No shame at all (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 month ago by bpev to c/privacy
[–] bpev 15 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

For your consideration, the Calvin and Hobbes Search Engine: https://michaelyingling.com/random/calvin_and_hobbes/

Edit to show example search for “freight train”: https://michaelyingling.com/random/calvin_and_hobbes/search.php?phrase=freight+train

I didn’t make this site, I just find it to be very useful for this extremely niche use case 🤣 Although, weirdly, it seems to be linking the wrong strip for this particular one. Dunno why, I’ve never seen it do that before.

[–] bpev 2 points 3 months ago

heh... p sure this is the lighthouse that made me decide to buy a camera. Me trying my best with an iPhone SE 6 years ago:

[–] bpev 11 points 3 months ago

So people often comment on my extremely straight teeth, but it's actually because I didn't see the dentist for many years, it turns out that I grind my teeth, and so now my canines are flat. My dentist said I have teeth like someone in their sixties, and now I wear a mouth guard when I sleep to prevent further degradation.

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