So you're arguing that people would have more use to write moon cycles than women cycles? And you talk about bigotry?!
You really should stop with the ad hominem. I am irrelevant to the discussion because I'm not even a US citizen. I don't live in the US.
Now this is a far better and more convincing argumentation than the "vote Biden or else we're doomed" of the beginning.
You're distorting my words. So either you don't understand, you didn't read, or you don't care.
I'm not equating liberalism and fascism. They're not the same. What I'm saying is that liberalism leads to fascism. And thus, blaming leftists for not voting for liberals is dishonest.
The fault is not on the leftist. It is on the liberals. And voting liberals will not save you from fascism. It merely makes you an accomplice of the liberals, because they will claim your vote to support their policies.
Your whole argumentation is based on the fear of fascism. That's barely better than fascism that relies on the fear of immigrants.
And nothing good can happen during these primaries?
So you have no choice for this election. It's sad, but it seems to be what it is. But what then?
If Biden is elected again, what will happen next term? You hope trump will die or finally end in prison? How long will you keep fascism at bay like this? How is it that there is half a year left before the election and you're already in this dire situation?
After all this conversation you still don't understand. This is sad.
Liberals are already fighting leftists. With more subtle ways than fascists are doing, but they are fighting hard.
In France the liberals spent months to convince people that the left was more dangerous than the fascists. They are litteraly fighting the left with the police. Forbidding protests and breaking them with heavy police forces. They are cooperating with the fascists, making laws with them against immigration and workers.
Basically the liberals are turning fascist light in order to fight the left. It's the most violent, the most radical Liberal government the Vth Republic had. Some conservative are also talking about giving the president a third run eventhough that's forbidden by the constitution.
The liberals don't fight fascism. They never did and they will never do it. They ally with them when they feel threatened. They join them when they feel there's an opportunity to do it.
It's been 40 years of this game in France. Liberals pretend to be left. When in power, they betray and do hard liberalism instead. And they blame all the problems on a lack of liberalism, and on immigration. Exactly like the fascists. So naturally people go to the far right.
What's left is two nuances of fascism.
The left is fighting still though. The fight is to be done on the left first sadly, because so many people are trying to win the race, believing that the liberals in power are not so bad in the meantime.
I'd rather have a fascist leader so that the liberals may wake up while the State is still robust enough to not turn this into a disaster. Because the longer we wait, the more the liberals will dismantle everything. And when there's no barrier, no counterpower, and they already started political repression, then the fascists will only have to do the same, but better.
Maybe that's why you're so scared btw. Maybe your country already lost too many of its defenses against fascism. If it is the case, you're doomed. It's already too late. You're fighting to save a sinking ship.
I'm not gonna vote in your country, but I will do everything I can for mine to not turn into a sinking ship. And it means not supporting the people who are actively sabotaging it.
That's the problem with obnoxious updates, actually.
And you define "satisfying" as "that one shot anything and trivialise everything"?
Why are you using arch Linux if not to debug your system though?
Well, indeed it is a cost for the society. But when people are forced to work to be allowed to live, the problem is not the workforce.
It is a pity in this day and age that there are still wars, but it is an even greater pity that we have to work artificial jobs to be allowed to live imo.
Money shouldn't be a concern.
I don't know about English, but in French in the 19th century men did enforce the use of homme (men) instead of humain (human) in the déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen, and in the language, because they did want to segregate women. It was a purposeful and deliberate decision.
I am convinced it's exactly the same in English.