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[–] bouh 10 points 6 months ago

Le réchauffement climatique, c'est pas du pessimisme, c'est une réalité. On passe d'une canicule tous les 10 ans à plusieurs canicules par ans. La sécheresse affecte les récoltes presque tous les ans maintenant. Les inondations et tempêtes deviennent plus courantes aussi.

Le passé est le passé, mais on fait quoi en attendant ? D'après le gouvernement, on ferme nos gueules et on laisse les riches privatiser l'eau, climatiser leur palais, et ne rien changer d'autre. Mais surtout ne dites rien.

[–] bouh -3 points 6 months ago

Are you really arguing that you need overpowered weapons because the game is buggy?

Man you were talking about game design two comments ago. Now you're talking about bugs. Make up your mind.

[–] bouh -5 points 6 months ago (2 children)

You are 4 in a team. A titan is killed with 1 precision strike. I've been in the situations you describe. A charger can only charge one person at a time. And one person can dance with 3 chargers for quite some time.

Sometimes a situation goes crazy. That's the whole point of high difficulty. If you don't want that, if you want the game to be a cakewalk, why do you play high difficulty?

[–] bouh 1 points 6 months ago

I've seen a paper saying that in Afghanistan amputee were 10% or wounded.

It's hard to tell in Ukraine. The casualty rate for Russian is probably extremely high in the areas where they send meat waves one after the others. And for people to be disabled, they need to survive first.

But it's very hard to make a stat over the whole war. I wouldn't be surprised if 30% were dead and 20% disabled.

For after the war you need to add the trauma on top though. Even the able survivors will be psychologically scarred for life.

[–] bouh 4 points 6 months ago

Borderland 2 has excellent characters and story. It just doesn't slap it to your face.

The game hides the serious stuff behind humour. It's part of the universe : everything is so fucked up that people become crazy to overcome it.

It wasn't as good in the first game, but borderland 2 is a masterpiece. And the movie understand nothing of it.

[–] bouh 7 points 6 months ago (3 children)

I know that. Ukraine soldiers are actual soldiers, not bandits on a crusade. Still, Israel still has full support of US and France for example, which is a shame. I wish even half of what's meant to Israel went to Ukraine instead, they deserve it much much more.

[–] bouh 1 points 6 months ago

Ils seraient dans leur droit en effet, mais qui voterait en ce sens ?

Voter une motion de censure, c'est pas automatique. Le gouvernement borne a tenu à 3 voix près, alors que la macronie était autrement plus nombreuse qu'aujourd'hui. Inversement, pourquoi la macronie voterait une motion de censure du RN alors qu'ils ont déjà beaucoup de mal à convaincre qu'ils comprennent ce qu'est un barrage républicain ?

Faut pas croire que les dissensions n'existent qu'à gauche. La macronie est bien plus centré sur une personne et bien moins démocratique que LFI. Mais quand le roi se montre faible, ça devient très vite chacun pour soi.

[–] bouh 1 points 6 months ago

Faut arrêter de dire que 2/3 de l'AN est à droite, c'est un mensonge. Y a autant de proximité idéologique entre la macronie et le RN qu'entre chacun des deux et le NFP. Quand on dit 2/3 de l'AN est à droite, on occulte toute la politique qui se fait actuellement. Si c'était une vérité, y aurait même pas eu de dissolution.

[–] bouh 8 points 6 months ago (5 children)

To play thee devil's advocate, Israel made the bar quite high for atrocities that will have the west stop supporting you.

[–] bouh 2 points 6 months ago

I don't play much public games, I play with some friends, and I felt the opposite. Usually playing lvl6 against bots, lvl7 against bugs. Lvl7 bugs felt like a cakewalk since the new patch.

But it depends on the planet too. Some planets are hells. Either because of the climate or because of enemy distribution.

[–] bouh 15 points 6 months ago

It's not marketing that they fail, it's communication. They should tell ahead of time which weapons are on their watch list, so it doesn't seem like it falls from nowhere.

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