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[–] bouh 5 points 6 months ago

They are completely lying about the situation in France. They are talking about the propaganda of the previous government (Attal, under directions of Macron), but it's all lies debunked by the president of the institue in charge of controlling and evaluating pensions budgets.

[–] bouh 7 points 6 months ago

These are lies. It's literally disinformation. The president of the organisation whose job is litteraly to assess how sustainable retirement funding is explained that the government estimates for their reform was the worst possible scenario first, and second it was demonstrated that there are many other solutions to fund retirement plans in France than shitting on the new generations.

One parameter of this disaster in France is that a good part or the missing funding comes from the government refusing to increase public workers salary, or to pay them with primes that are not taxed, and thus don't fund retirement, or to decrease the number of public agents.

Another parameter is that the system is not under any risk on the long term. Only the next 10 to 15 years are planned to be difficult.

I can understand that liberal assholes want to enslave workers as long as they can possibly get away with, but spreading lies when the truth is that the government is litteraly sabotaging the system for it to happen is akin to what dictatorships do.

[–] bouh 1 points 6 months ago

Indeed. I'd add that you need the application open source and respectful of people's data and privacy.

Then there is another problem : you need people to adopt your application and use it. Because regardless of the qualities, the most important thing is the number of people using the service. That's why Facebook is still not dead for example.

[–] bouh 5 points 6 months ago (2 children)

The problem is not the how. The problem is that your agency is a company driven by profit. How do you make an agency that's not driven by profit in a capitalist and consumerist society?

[–] bouh -3 points 6 months ago (2 children)

So as long as the litteral nazis are not in charge genociding people it's fine and there's nothing to worry about? Syndicalistes and ecoactivists being arrested for terrorism is fine already?

[–] bouh 3 points 6 months ago

That's politics: one side tries to do the right thing and manage to get law written. The other side then hire lawyers to find a way to bypass this law. A judge get to choose who wins until the next law is voted. It means the first law wasn't well written in the first place.

[–] bouh 5 points 6 months ago (1 children)

That is totally right. I'm french. Laws protect renters, but not that much, and landlords don't hesitate to threaten with false pretense. And if you mention anything illegal they're doing, you simply won't have the apartment. They ask documents they have no right to see, but if you don't provide them they won't even look at your application. Obviously people of colour do have a harder time finding an apartment, but even for engineers it's hard to find one in a city.

[–] bouh 2 points 6 months ago (1 children)

In France you need to earn 3 times the price of the lawn, and you need warrants (garants) : people who will be forced to pay if you ever don't. To prove you can pay, you need 3 months of salary sheets. You need to prove your job is not a CDD (short determined time). You need to show insurances and prove your identity too of course. Half of those are not legal, but landlords don't care because you're in competition : you visit the apartment with a dozen of other people who want a place to sleep too. And the landlord will choose the chosen one as he pleases.

It depends on the place, but Lyon is absolute madness to find an apartment.

[–] bouh 8 points 6 months ago (4 children)

And yet most of the political forces in France are advocating to remove all these rights. Sindicalists are arrested under terrorist laws, as are eco-activists. And maires trying to enforce price ceiling for lawns in cities are considered like Staline.

[–] bouh 0 points 6 months ago

C'est complètement faux. C'était le cas lors de la précédente législature. Ce n'est absolument plus le cas aujourd'hui. Leur seul pour aujourd'hui, c'est un pouvoir de nuisance au sénat.

Les faiseurs de roi aujourd'hui, c'est la macronie. Et Macron ne sait pas jouer ce jeu. Il ne sait jouer que Jupiter. C'est pour ça qu'il demande une coalition qui aura la majorité absolue : avec cette règle sortie du chapeau, il force une coalition avec le macronie où celle-ci aurait forcément l'avantage, surtout si on ajoute la règle lfi est exclue.

[–] bouh 1 points 6 months ago (2 children)

J'ai du mal à comprendre dans quel monde LR sera solidaire de Macron. Le tier de LR a viré au RN déjà, et la dissolution à été décidée parce que LR prévoyait supposément une motion de censure.

Je veux bien qu'on dise que la macronie est à droite, mais insinuer qu'ils sont solidaires de LR c'est de la désinformation.

La vraie question, c'est qui veut d'une élection présidentielle 3 ans en avance, et qui est satisfait de Macron. Pour la seconde question, raisonnablement personne. Pour la première, tout dépend des guerres de succession à droite et au centre gauche. Ou autrement dit, comment la macronie va exploser et qui y est prêt ?

[–] bouh 5 points 6 months ago

Vesper. It is imo a good sci-fi movie, but a tough one. The lives of the characters are not easy, but the movie doesn't tell you that, you discover it through details casually said by the characters. The movie itself is a post apocalyptic movie in a very original setting. It is about biotechnology instead mechanised or AI tech. It is worth it for this alone IMO. It was a great movie imo, but not one to cheer up.

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