
joined 2 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 45 minutes ago* (last edited 44 minutes ago)

Ja gerne, wenn es schon was zu Hanfanbau gibt dann vielleicht "Anbau und News"?

Wobei ich den Namen Bubatz absolut dumm finde lol

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 hour ago

Yes probably agree on PopOS, even though never used it. Also their DE will need a lot of time, I hipenthey dont ship it too early. I dual boot it, actually the Fedora Atomic image.

Yes, Silverblue is the GNOME Atomic desktop but as I said it is not finished. There are many things not done.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 hours ago

Fedora simply takes what KDE offers, and the whole VRR etc. additions seem to cause tons of bugs.

Already reported, not sure how helpful.

But being the first to implement KDE releases... is problematic.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 hours ago

Poorly it introduced multiple crashes this session... error reports already sent, btw I dont think downloading debug symbols works on Fedora Kinoite?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

What about just, written in Rust?

That is already used in many projects.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 hours ago (2 children)

Maybe GNOME got more stable... but the non LTS kernels often cause issues, and KDE is currently unstable again (while it worked perfectly on Plasma 6.0)

[–] [email protected] 7 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago) (2 children)

I find it pretty problematic how Ubuntu is messed up and still used as default distro.

Fedora has issues with always being a bit early. I prefer it a lot over buggy Kubuntu, as I use KDE, but for example now 6.1 is too early and still has bugs, while Plasma 6 was really well tested (with Rawhide, Kinoite beta and Kinoite nightly being available)

Fedora has tons of variants and packages, and COPR is full of stuff. The forums are nice, Discourse is a great tool.

It uses Flatpak, but adds its legally restricted repo by default.

The traditional variants... I think apt is better. I did one dnf system upgrade to F40 and it was pretty messy.

The rpm-ostree atomic desktops are really good, but not complete. For example GRUB is simply not updated at all. This is hopefully fixed with F41.

Or the NVIDIA stuff, or nonfree codecs, which are all issues even more on atomic.

So the product is not really ready to use, while rpmfusion sync issues happen multiple times a year. This is no issue on the atomic variants, but there you need to layer many packages, which causes very slow updates.

I am also not a fan of their "GUI only" way, so you will for example never have useful common CLI tools on the atomic variants, for no reason.

It is pretty completely vanilla, which is very nice.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago) (1 children)

Came over night on Fedora Kinoite.

Quite like it, everything is rooound. In Dolphin with the right-click select I can now make a circle!

But why are the lower window borders still square? And that is with Qt/KDE apps!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 hours ago


This has an empty ffmpeg folder but no binary. Same with bottles, guiscrcpy, celluloid, newsflash, interstellar, digikam, haruna, krdc, obs studio,

But searching for "ffmpeg" I found io.github.aandrew_me.ytdn

It has the ffmpeg binary included.

Many projects use dont know if that could be used too.

I got a bunch of weird bugs with Distrobox in the beginning

Honestly never had issues. I now use an Arch distrobox too, but I dont really need Distrobox anyways. The Arch repos are too small.

There is a COPR for RStudio-copr-manager and the entire CRAN module list as RPMs. Otherwise you have a hard time getting the R plugins you may need to your distro.

QGis needs some python integration which seems to be missing on Arch too.

With the COPR I know who to trust, unlike the AUR, even though I now also setup yay.

Everything nearly separated from my OS using the different distrobox homedirs which work flawlessly.

Also distrobox upgrade --all works awesome its just a wrapper but really valuable.

I make an exception for Anki and MakeMKV.

I have no idea because I install everything from unverified. Should learn how to swap remotes, then I could swap all the verified apps and when removing the unverified can check what I still use.

But unverified Flatpaks may be way better than distro packages. At least it is very transparent on Github (yeah, sucks) unlike strange distro build systems.

I kind of hate Debian and Ubuntu's userpsace :)

What, GNU utils? What makes it special, apart from apt? They have nala so that is dealt with.

DNF5 will definitely shake things up. Because rpm-ostree is going away to be replaced by dnf again.

Yeah this will be crazy. dnf has a lot more commands for querying etc, that will be useful.

It also sounded like they would reinvent the wheel a bit? Dont know

[–] [email protected] 4 points 6 hours ago

Ubuntu may have convinced some proprietary developers, but Snaps are shit and devs know that I think

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 hours ago

Shrink the main NTFS storage partition of Windows.

This will be empty space.

Install into empty space.

Never used Ubuntus installer but Fedoras installer should work fine. Just dont delete anything

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 hours ago

Sorry I overthink it. Just the general impression was... kinda random?

Like many tracks in important moments were not memorable at all.


The Flatpak is already packaged and works well. It just needs to be maintained from a person that joins the Inkscape community.

This would allow further improvements like Portal support and making the app official on Flathub.


A simplified fork of KDE Plasma's default Kickoff Application Launcher


There are many cases when people might want to have a dropdown list of the other entered values in a column.

And the ability to prohibit entering others.

Classic one: entering yes, no, maybe.

These are not boolean, but discrete, and others should not be allowed.

Do you know how to do that?


GTK is nice but too thick. There is a repo containing CSS for GTK3 to be more compact.

I could not find the same for GTK4.

Gradience from Flathub allows to load custom CSS. The GTK3 one did not change anything.

I use Fedora Kinoite (KDE) and all GTK apps are Flatpaks.


Found this project a while ago, couldnt find it again.

A unique looking Wayland desktop, independent from others.


This is very much a "Windows thing" to do but I would like to preload a Distrobox on system start.

The benefit is that distrobox enter BOXNAME or launching a binary or app from distrobox-export is way faster.

On Fedora Kinoite (Atomic KDE) with Podman, I use this:

cat ~/.config/autostart/preload-BOXNAME.desktop <<EOF
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Preload the Distrobox container BOXNAME
Exec=/usr/bin/podman start BOXNAME 

This is a KDE specific workaround, as only "Applications" reliably autostart.

In the app menu enter "Autostart" and go to the settings page, the box should appear there.

Log out and back in, go to the same settings page to verify.


I know this is basically a spam tool.

I think to know that you can query some info from a mailserver to test if an address exists.

I would like to find hidden addresses of some companies, for example I want to test if [email protected] exists.

Anyone know how to do that?


I learned quite a bit

  • Mailserver block the requests that are used to get a list of inboxes ("accounts")
  • many servers will block mailservers that are not on an allowlist
  • many servers will block servers, if mails were sent to nonexistent addresses a couple of times
  • the message "recipient not known" will not appear often, as servers may "black hole" a senders mail and cut off the connection without sending the status message back
  1. I am very unlikely to switch away from KDE Plasma 6
  2. I would anyways like to try Sway or the like
  3. I dont use virtual desktops and find just navigating through a bottom taskbar makes more sense for me
  4. I have many apps fullscreen, and would never tile more than once vertically, as I am on a Laptop
  5. I want: NightLight, tray icons, a good app menu, many KDE Apps (Dolphin, Kate, Ark, Gwenview, Spectacle Edit feature at least)

Are Wayland WMs ready for this use case? What would you recommend to fill these exact requirements?



@thelinuxexperiment_[email protected]


Hacker's Keyboard (the first one), Florisboard Beta, FUTO Keyboard and more have a button to reverse and repeat the actions.

This can reverse stuff like deleting a text and more.

This feature exists, but just isnt used!

Supported Keyboards

  • Hacker's Keyboard
  • Thumbkey
  • FUTO Keyboard
  • Florisboard (beta)
  • Heliboard (modern Fork of OpenBoard)
  • Unexpected Keyboard
  • AnySoft Keyboard
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